Comments on: Are Tracts an Effective Evangelism Tool? /blog/index.php/2009/10/30/are-tracts-an-effective-evangelism-tool/ News and happenings from around Thu, 30 Jun 2011 00:17:29 +0000 hourly 1 By: m217785 /blog/index.php/2009/10/30/are-tracts-an-effective-evangelism-tool/comment-page-1/#comment-53958 Mon, 16 Aug 2010 13:02:16 +0000 /blog/?p=2570#comment-53958 Asking the question: “do you think that Tracts are an effective evangelism tools?” may be the wrong question. Subjecting God’s work to common opinion should not be our method of determining whether or not God is using any given evangelistic method. The first thing we need to address is just exactly what do we mean by “effective?” Do you mean people coming to Christ? Do you mean the local church is swelling with people? Do you mean there are more baptisms?
Evangelism is a process. We must remember that. God uses many ways and means to get His truth into peoples minds. That could be through a church invite, a television program, a small group, a one-on-one discussion, a DVD, an audio CD, OR a printed tract.
So we shouldn’t ask the question “is handing out tracts effective?” unless it’s framed with the idea that what we mean by “effective” is: Was the Gospel clearly presented? Was Christ honored? If these are true, then any means of evangelism, including handing out tracts, is effective. You in your finite existence, do not, and cannot know for sure how God is working, and how God is using the resources that we distribute. That’s His realm.
We have been given marching orders.
We must deliver the message, by any means that God has provided.
So get those tracts, CD’s, DVD’s, booklets, New Testaments, Gospels of John, out there to everyone you can possibly get them to.
Have you given the Gospel to your next door neighbor?
If not, do it today.

By: Dena /blog/index.php/2009/10/30/are-tracts-an-effective-evangelism-tool/comment-page-1/#comment-52469 Sat, 07 Aug 2010 23:47:40 +0000 /blog/?p=2570#comment-52469 I think those who downplay tracts are also downplaying the power of God. To say they are ineffective is like saying God doesn’t have the power to save someone who happened upon a Bible tract. To those of you who feel that tracts are a “joke by those who want to evangelize” — way to be puffed up. Can the eye say to the hand, I have no need of you? Get over yourself and realize the power of God can do anything and can save in many, many, many ways. Don’t discourage people.

By: Elizabeth Burke /blog/index.php/2009/10/30/are-tracts-an-effective-evangelism-tool/comment-page-1/#comment-49224 Mon, 12 Jul 2010 09:56:36 +0000 /blog/?p=2570#comment-49224 I would agree with Lynn that God uses this form of outreach. The tracts that I received over the years were most certainly seeds, bringing me under conviction – I refer to this in my testimony.
I recently invited a lady to speak in my local area who told me that she was saved through a random tract given to her one day on the street. Before this she had never in her life heard the gospel. She is now involved with the CEF (Child Evangelism Fellowship) in inner city Dublin, reaching thousands of children with the gospel.
One day I stood alone in the middle of Dublin airport giving out tracts – until I felt the heavy hand of a security man on my shoulder. I was unaware that this is not permissable in the airport! However, numerous tract were given out (not one thrown down) and I have no doubt that God’s Word will not return unto Him void!
However, tract distribution must be carried out with much prayer, love for those who recieve the tracts (whatever their reaction) and discernment. God Bless!

By: Lynn /blog/index.php/2009/10/30/are-tracts-an-effective-evangelism-tool/comment-page-1/#comment-40626 Thu, 25 Mar 2010 19:47:02 +0000 /blog/?p=2570#comment-40626 I have been a born again Christian for 35 years. The first time I heard in detail about the saving grace of Jesus and that he wanted to have a personal realtionship with me was through a tract. A student left one on the teacher’s desk and I picked it up and read it. That was a new beginning for me. Later my best friend’s brother, who had recently been born again left the comic book type tracts around the house. As a teenager they were very inviting. They made me curious and I started to read the New Testament. The tracts were seeds, God watered those seeds and gave the increase. Years later I witnessed to a young man in college and gave him a tract. Thirty years later that man (who is now my husband) still has that tract. He and I also pass out tracts and witness to those who will stop to listen. Pray over your tracts but more importantly pray that the Holy Spirit will anoint you and give you the words to minister to that soul that is hungry for God.

By: NATHANIEL /blog/index.php/2009/10/30/are-tracts-an-effective-evangelism-tool/comment-page-1/#comment-39363 Sun, 28 Feb 2010 11:25:06 +0000 /blog/?p=2570#comment-39363 The principal factor in evangelism that we need to recognize is God. The tools we use is not as important as the prayer we pray on it. Tracks pray over before distributing will achieve its purpose. Somebody have shared a testimony that he gave his life from a tract he pick on the street. A track that is back by prayer can win many soul to the kingdom of God.

By: haze /blog/index.php/2009/10/30/are-tracts-an-effective-evangelism-tool/comment-page-1/#comment-37113 Wed, 20 Jan 2010 17:52:34 +0000 /blog/?p=2570#comment-37113 tracks are just one mode of sending the message of salvation across. some can think that they are not effective, but how many persons who donot really talk to you on a day to day basic wouldn’t receive a track from you? that’s what you should observe. they may not read it at the appointed time given, but later they do, often when we do not imagine..we can only do the sowing but god giveth the increase, through the working of the holy spirit, which often work on our minds and heart indue season. most importantly its not just a piece of printed paper, the content is invaluable,of which we cannot doubt, that it would not work.for the word of the lord would not returned unto him void, but it will accomplished that what is appointed.

By: frank pytel /blog/index.php/2009/10/30/are-tracts-an-effective-evangelism-tool/comment-page-1/#comment-35081 Mon, 07 Dec 2009 00:27:22 +0000 /blog/?p=2570#comment-35081 I regularly pass out tracts, and found that tracts put out a message to three types of spiritual conditions: 1)those dead in sins; 2)believers who are out of fellowship with God; 3)believers who are walking with God in living fellowship. Those who are dead in sin can be made alive. Those who are backsliding believers, can repent and return to the Father’s house. Those who are walking in the light, will be encouraged to share their faith with others. You never know which person will take the tract! Hand some out this week!

By: Luis Nevarez Sr. /blog/index.php/2009/10/30/are-tracts-an-effective-evangelism-tool/comment-page-1/#comment-26224 Thu, 05 Nov 2009 06:36:22 +0000 /blog/?p=2570#comment-26224 Let me tell you people who said that the delivering of tracts are
useless for any reason you were mentioned. Our job is to put a tract
in the hand of an unbeliever, and God will do the rest.When we deliv-
red tracts, we show love to the people, and show responsability be-
fore Jesus, think in this tought, and act with mercy, like God are merciful with us.

By: Luis Nevarez Sr. /blog/index.php/2009/10/30/are-tracts-an-effective-evangelism-tool/comment-page-1/#comment-26223 Thu, 05 Nov 2009 06:26:11 +0000 /blog/?p=2570#comment-26223 Of course, tracts are a very powerful way to evangelism people who
dont know Jesus. Here in our mission in a town of 35,000 people, my 11 years old son Francisco and I delivered 1000 tracts.When we ended the
delivering, we came back in our own feet,and for our surprise, we just
find 5 or 7 tracts on the floor.We enjoyed doing this, we came back
happy and blessed. And my son felt the power of God, like me

By: vedra /blog/index.php/2009/10/30/are-tracts-an-effective-evangelism-tool/comment-page-1/#comment-25460 Tue, 03 Nov 2009 08:00:00 +0000 /blog/?p=2570#comment-25460 I believe that tracts can change people’s lives. you never know what will happen when a tract leaves your hand. i believe that even if someone throws a tract away on a rubbish dump, someone else could still read it. there are people living on a rubbish dump that the Lord could save. Never underestimate a tract. i have heard of countless testimonies of how tracts have changed people’s lives.
I shall use it again.
God bless
