Gospel.com Topics Feed - 2 Samuel 2012-07-06T13:21:02-05:00 GCI info@gospel.com /feeds/topics/2+samuel/ The Bible Wears a Blindfold - #6650 http://hutchcraft.com/a-word-with-you/your-personal-power/the-bible-wears-a-blindfold-6650 2012-07-06T13:21:02-05:00 To rightly represent a holy God in this anything-goes world, we have to always be sure of the Bible's ways of life and stand on those. The Bar Stays Where it Is - #6530 http://hutchcraft.com/a-word-with-you/your-hindrances/the-bar-stays-where-it-is-6530 2012-01-20T10:08:36-05:00 When sin gets close to home, it can teach us how to be more merciful than we've been before, how to be less judgmental. And it can give us a wonderful opportunity to show God's unconditional love for people whether they clear the bar or not. But we dare not try in the process of loving and forgiving and accepting people in a sinful moment. We dare not try to lower God's standard. He didn't for the man He loved deeply, and we can't either. It Doesn't Take Long to Freeze - #6476 http://hutchcraft.com/a-word-with-you/your-hindrances/it-doesn-t-take-long-to-freeze-6476 2011-11-07T11:52:56-05:00 You can't afford one day off spiritually. Begin each day...begin every day in the personal presence of your Savior, Jesus, who is mighty to save and mighty to save you from the sin of that day. A busy day, a boring day, a day you're away from home, a down day, a vacation day, a special day. No matter what the day, begin it in the presence of Jesus whether you feel like it or not. If you don't feel like it, you probably need to even more. Choosing Your Battles - #6116 http://hutchcraft.com/a-word-with-you/your-relationships/choosing-your-battles-6116 2010-06-21T11:16:58-05:00 Don't make every issue a battleground. Don't make everything a battle. Fight for the real issues, not over every incident. Don't try to settle issues based on an incident that's got everybody all inflamed right now. Deal with it at a time when there's not an incident. Save your ammunition for the battles that really matter. Above all, always check with God to see if this is His battle; one that He thinks is worth fighting. No Retreat, No Defeat - #6098 http://hutchcraft.com/a-word-with-you/your-most-important-relationship/no-retreat-no-defeat-6098 2010-05-26T12:12:20-05:00 No matter how intense the battle, no matter how weary the warrior, no matter how overwhelming the odds - do not retreat! With the Word of God in your hand, with your brothers and sisters by your side, with the Lord your God fighting for you, it won't be you who retreats - your enemy is going down! The Surprising Secret of Finding What You're Looking For - #3536 http://hutchcraft.com/a-word-with-you/your-personal-power/the-surprising-secret-of-finding-what-you-are-looking-for-3536 2009-09-22T09:44:00-05:00 What is it that you're really pursuing right now? Maybe it's someone for you to love or someone to love you, or a home, a car, a promotion, financial resources, maybe it's success in business, or a position in ministry. Well, notice what verbs aren't used in this blueprint for receiving the desires of your heart - it doesn't say "look for it, pursue it, insist on it, worry about it, or find some way to get it." No, here are the action words - "delight, commit, trust" - all directed to your Lord. Someone Else's Fault - #5913 http://hutchcraft.com/a-word-with-you/your-relationships/someone-else-s-fault-5913 2009-09-11T13:10:09-05:00 Maybe you've honestly been hurt or wronged, and you can't do anything about the other person taking responsibility for what they've done. But you can accept the responsibility for the way you've handled it, for the wrong things you may have tried to excuse by the wrong things someone else did. Those who have been victims - and those who've been victimizers - never get free until they realize that they are now the victims of their own choices, not someone else's. Blindness that Makes You Crash - #5877 http://hutchcraft.com/a-word-with-you/your-relationships/blindness-that-makes-you-crash-5877 2009-09-11T10:52:37-05:00 God has sent you this way today to send you a wakeup call. Please, consider where your passions and your desires are taking you. Count the cost. Think about all you have to lose if you keep driving down this road. Think about the price that you will pay in your soul - maybe the price you're already paying. Think about the hurt this can cause. Spare Parts - #5864 http://hutchcraft.com/a-word-with-you/your-personal-power/spare-parts-5864 2009-09-10T15:08:11-05:00 It's very clear that God isn't impressed with sacrifices that cost us nothing with the spare parts of our life that don't matter that much to us anyway. But far too many of us try to get by with what I call selective Lordship. We may sing, "I surrender all," but we live, "I surrender some." And while the Christians around us may be impressed with our spirituality, God says, "You're giving me your spare parts and you're holding on to the important things for yourself." Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - No Retreat, No Defeat - #4527 http://hutchcraft.com/A-Word-With-You/Your-Hindrances/No-Retreat-No-Defeat-4527 2008-08-28T16:58:33-05:00 No matter how intense the battle, no matter how weary the warrior, no matter how overwhelming the odds - do not retreat! With the Word of God in your hand, with your brothers and sisters by your side, with the Lord your God fighting for you, it won't be you who retreats - your enemy is going down!