Gospel.com Topics Feed - Activities 2013-10-08T08:27:45-05:00 GCI info@gospel.com /feeds/topics/activities/ 10 Fun Fall Kids Activities and Crafts http://faithgateway.com/fun-fall-kids-activities-crafts/ 2013-10-08T08:27:45-05:00 I really love the fall. I suppose all of the seasons lend themselves to nature-study activities and crafts, but fall seems to be especially rich to me. My kids and I do fall crafts and art projects every single day – sometimes to the detriment of our homeschool lessons! Nearly every one of our fall […] 12 Fun Summer Rainy Day Activities http://faithgateway.com/12-fun-summer-rainy-day-activities/ 2013-10-04T14:41:47-05:00 We expect to be secluded in our homes during the winter months, but not during the summer! Yet there will inevitably be summer days when it is either too hot or too wet to spend time outside. Here are 12 fun summer rainy day activities you might like to try with your kids on days […] A Week of Thanksgiving http://reviveourhearts.com/topics/downloads/index.php?id=9519 2010-08-25T14:14:30-05:00 Developing the habit of thankfulness may require some practice! Here are some practical suggestions for devoting one week to practicing thankfulness. Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Narrow Banks - #4954 http://hutchcraft.com/A-Word-With-You/Your-Personal-Power/Narrow-Banks-4954 2008-08-12T13:05:19-05:00 We add new arenas without removing any old ones. Homework competes with extracurricular commitments, household responsibilities, youth meetings, friends. A business person says "yes" until his or her resume' looks impressive, but their contributions in each area are insignificant. An overcommitted woman needs a valet just to manage all her hats: wife, mother, committee worker, volunteer, career person, creator, entertainer. By taking on more than we can possibly do well, we live in direct violation of God's command to "make it your ambition to lead a quiet life." Sermon Illustrations, People Stories, Quotes and Teacher Helps http://youth-ministry.info/sermon-illustrations.php5 2007-10-30T16:19:10-05:00 Need just the right quote, activity or people story to clinch your point? Pastors, Youth Workers and Small Group Leaders use this growing database of over 3500 teacher resources to increase the impact of their messages.