Gospel.com Topics Feed - Acts Of Kindness 2013-10-04T14:54:24-05:00 GCI info@gospel.com /feeds/topics/acts+of+kindness/ Kindness is a Calling for all Christians http://faithgateway.com/kindness-is-a-calling-for-all-christians/ 2013-10-04T14:54:24-05:00 When we were growing up, my sister and I brought home stray kitties and puppies that had missing fur, broken limbs, and in one case, missing a leg altogether. The animals that had absolutely no hope of ever being adopted and were one breath away from their last—those were the ones we loved the most. […] Paying it forward - moving YouTube story demonstrates biblical principle http://internetevangelismday.com/blog/archives/11595 2013-09-24T10:29:01-05:00 You may have seen the Kevin Spacey movie Pay it Forward, which illustrates the biblical principle (in both OT and NT) of the far-reaching effects of random acts of kindness performed with no expectation of return. Indeed, it is acts of mercy that often pave the way for people to even hear the good news, as the Gray Matrix concept graphically demonstrates. This moving short Thai film portrays the same thing... Serving in Different Cultures http://youth-ministry.info/articles.php5?type=2&cat=210&art_id=66 2007-11-24T12:29:08-05:00 Our call to service is clear. But our service may look very different, depending on the cultural context of our service. Dave Livermore gives us a window through which we can peek outside of our cultural box and see how service looks in several different cultures. Service and Acts of Kindness: No Strings Attached http://youth-ministry.info/articles.php5?type=2&cat=210&art_id=158 2007-11-24T12:27:32-05:00 Many ministries are doing acts of kindness with no strings attached, and seeing the unchurched embrace Christ as a result.