Gospel.com Topics Feed - Adoration 2009-09-14T13:19:48-05:00 GCI info@gospel.com /feeds/topics/adoration/ Adoration in the Bible - a Christian perspective http://biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Psalm%20106:1&version=NIV 2009-09-14T13:19:48-05:00 The psalmist writes in Psalm 106 that we should give thanks to the LORD for his goodness. He writes of how worthy God is to receive our adoration and praise. Andrew Bonar : Bless the Lord, O my soul! http://sermonindex.net/modules/articles/index.php?view=article&aid=23 2008-01-08T09:11:49-05:00 IN this psalm we find the Psalmist standing at the golden altar with his harp in his hand, recounting all his mercies. This psalm teaches us adoration. Adoration is not thanksgiving; it is silent wonder. I once saw a striking instance of this in a sick one... A.W. Tozer : Adoring Worship http://sermonindex.net/modules/articles/index.php?view=article&aid=5306 2008-01-06T12:38:15-05:00 Neither the word adoration nor any of its forms is found in our familiar King James Bible, but the idea is there in full bloom. The great Bible saints were, above all, enraptured lovers of God. The psalms celebrate the love which David (and a few others) felt for the person of God. As suggested abov