Gospel.com Topics Feed - Affirmation 2011-06-17T10:16:47-05:00 GCI info@gospel.com /feeds/topics/affirmation/ True Woman: What to Do When the Compliments Don't Come http://truewoman.com/?id=1725 2011-06-17T10:16:47-05:00 I don’t hear a lot of “Excellent job with that diaper changing technique, mom,” or “I love the way you scraped the dried milk out of my sippy cups,” or “I really liked your voice inflection the fifth time you read The Very Hungry Caterpillar to me today.” True Woman: A Lesson on Becoming an Affirmer http://truewoman.com/?id=1726 2011-06-17T10:15:47-05:00 I’ve heard it said that it takes seven compliments to undo a single criticism. If that’s true, we should be complimenting others—a lot. True Woman: Giving God-Centered Affirmation to Others http://truewoman.com/?id=1729 2011-06-17T10:14:18-05:00 This is such an important topic, especially for those of us who have more practice at dishing out correction than affirmation! Flowers While they Can Smell Them - #2855 http://hutchcraft.com/a-word-with-you/your-relationships/flowers-while-they-can-smell-them-2855 2009-09-11T16:18:01-05:00 The people in your personal universe are people in desperate need of regular encouragement. How are you doing in giving it to them? Some of us came from a background where there was little praise, little encouragement - so it's hard for us to give what we never got. But you of all people should know how much it hurts not to get it. Ask the Lord to give you eyes to see the positive in the people around you, and the words to tell them. Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - How to be a Hero Where it Counts - #5072 http://hutchcraft.com/A-Word-With-You/Your-Relationships/How-to-be-a-Hero-Where-it-Counts-5072 2008-08-06T14:59:33-05:00 You don't hammer them all the time with what's wrong with them. Believe me, they already know. What they need from their father is consistent praise for what's good about them; their personal strengths, their personal abilities, their positive qualities. If you can't see them, they never will. And a Dad who raises a child who feels like they're never good enough is no hero at all. You Matter to Your Spouse http://ymexchange.com/Youth-Ministry-Articles/You-Matter-to-Your-Spouse.html?ed=1 2008-01-18T10:31:45-05:00 As you continue on this journey called marriage, you still matter to your spouse. When you hurt, he or she hurts. When someone attacks you, he or she is also attacked. Every tear you shed is precious to him or her. When you rejoice in life’s little victories, he or she rejoices with you. You Matter to Your Community http://ymexchange.com/Youth-Ministry-Articles/You-Matter-to-Your-Community.html?ed=1 2008-01-16T11:48:13-05:00 You matter. You matter so much that the enemy wants to throw you down and rip away the joy you first had when you started on this road with God. He hates you and he hates the work you are doing in the lives of others. You Matter to God http://ymexchange.com/Youth-Ministry-Articles/You-Matter-to-God.html?ed=1 2008-01-14T14:13:41-05:00 You matter. It's not what you do, it's you. More than you matter to your family, your students, your church, or anyone else, you matter to God. A.W. Tozer : Accepting Christ Means Rejecting All Else http://sermonindex.net/modules/articles/index.php?view=article&aid=5142 2008-01-06T12:29:41-05:00 The notion that we enter the Christian life by an act of acceptance is true, but that is not all the truth. There is much more to it than that. Christianity involves an acceptance and a repudiation, an affirmation and a denial. And this not only at the moment of conversion but continually...