Gospel.com Topics Feed - Almighty 2011-09-01T09:20:32-05:00 GCI info@gospel.com /feeds/topics/almighty/ How a Girl Becomes a Princess - #6429 http://hutchcraft.com/a-word-with-you/your-most-important-relationship/how-a-girl-becomes-a-princess-6429 2011-09-01T09:20:32-05:00 God says when we open up our life to Jesus as our only hope, we get born into His family. This birthday could be today for you; the day you are born into God's family. There ought to be a time you can know for sure that you have begun a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. What To Do When There's a Power Failure - #6377 http://hutchcraft.com/a-word-with-you/your-hindrances/what-to-do-when-there-s-a-power-failure-6377 2011-06-21T10:28:59-05:00 When the power failed for everyone else in Washington D.C. that day, it didn't stop us. We were depending on another power source. And that's where you are right now. Your power will fail before you can get through what lies ahead. But the generator of the Holy Spirit will just keep on running, and that power is enough! Homeless in Your Heart - #6172 http://hutchcraft.com/a-word-with-you/your-most-important-relationship/homeless-in-your-heart-6172 2010-09-07T14:17:23-05:00 Those sins that Jesus carried to the cross with Him are the thousands of times you and I have thought, or said or done things our way instead of God's way. In the process, we have repeatedly violated the laws of Almighty God. And sin is punishable by death. It can only be forgiven by that death penalty being paid. But Jesus stepped in and absorbed all that punishment, all the hell of my sin and your sin. That's what it took to save you - His blood - His life. Being Where Everything is Decided - #6160 http://hutchcraft.com/a-word-with-you/your-personal-power/being-where-everything-is-decided-6160 2010-08-20T15:21:09-05:00 The powerless P's won't get it done: pushing, persuading, personalities, planning, promoting. Life's battles are won by prayer, not on the battlefield itself, but in the Throne Room of the God who governs the galaxies - who is, because of what Jesus did, your spiritual Daddy! And you have access, day or night, to the place where it's decided and the person who decides it. Go there often, go there in awe, go there clean, and go there expecting something so big, only God could do it! Almighty - a Christian perspective http://biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Revelation%201:8&version=NIV 2009-09-10T15:57:56-05:00 In Revelation, God calls himself the Alpha and the Omega. He says that he is master of time, existing in the past present and future. He calls himself the Almighty.