Gospel.com Topics Feed - App 2014-01-28T06:44:24-05:00 GCI info@gospel.com /feeds/topics/app/ Creation to Christ smartphone app is available on Android and iOS http://internetevangelismday.com/blog/archives/12021 2014-01-28T06:44:24-05:00 GEM's simple 'flipbook' smartphone evangelistic app that summarizes the sweep of the biblical narrative is now available on Android and iOS, and in multiple languages. Most Important Story Ever Told: smartphone app for children http://internetevangelismday.com/blog/archives/10643 2013-04-18T11:14:15-05:00 New smartphone app for children: The Most Important Story Ever Told has just been released by MIS (Most Important Story), the international children's ministry, based on their evangelistic book of the same name.Available in English, Spanish, with Farsi, Arabic and other languages to come. Smartphone app: New World Gospel Presentation from InterVarsity http://internetevangelismday.com/blog/archives/10570 2013-04-09T07:27:27-05:00 InterVarsity have released a smartphone app, the New World Gospel Presentation, which enables you to share the good news by finger-drawing on your touch screen over a preset image, along with your own verbal presentation and discussion. InterVarsity explains... YouVersion – changing the whole context of Bible http://internetevangelismday.com/blog/archives/9334 2012-09-21T11:42:02-05:00 If you don't yet have a smartphone, you may not realise their compelling advantages. These include having with you 24/7: a still/video camera, diary (which can syncronize automatically to other family members, work colleagues, church etc.), satnav, photo album, note-taker, alarm-clock/watch, Kindle e-reader (there's a free Kindle app – and there are plenty of free classics to choose from), news updates, games as well as all the usual web services – browsing, email, Facebook, Twitter. Free (or very cheap) apps extend this functionality in many ways. The YouVersion bible app is a further opportunity for Jesus followers with smartphones. Downsides of mobile phone use: infographic http://internetevangelismday.com/blog/archives/7659 2012-03-31T09:17:20-05:00 Whatever the downsides of mobile phones (and everything has downsides), mobiles remain an incredible evangelism opportunity, both in the West and the Majority World. Why buy a smartphone? Which operating system to choose: Android or iPhone? Check these recent posts on using phones in evangelism and discipleship. New phone app provides training in conversational evangelism http://internetevangelismday.com/blog/archives/7677 2012-03-29T11:47:07-05:00 This app distills the experience that Doug Pollock shares in his books and seminars. Its purpose is to equip Christians to share faith appropriately and conversationally. It is not intended for non-yet-followers to download or look at (unlike the Talking About Jesus app). These principles apply both offline and online. Incredible new evangelistic 'Talking About Jesus' iPhone app http://internetevangelismday.com/blog/archives/7187 2012-03-01T10:44:25-05:00 Although there are increasing numbers of Christian smartphone apps available, very few are designed to directly relate to outsiders evangelistically. It's the old '99 Per Cent Problem' again. So it is a privilege to announce the release of the Talking About Jesus iPhone app, from UK's Damaris ministry. This app enables Christians to talk to their friends and colleagues about Jesus, and discuss His life and teachings. It contains over an hour's specially-filmed video content, all instantly available within the app and without a data connection being required.