Gospel.com Topics Feed - Apps 2012-03-19T12:14:31-05:00 GCI info@gospel.com /feeds/topics/apps/ How to use video clips for social networking and mobile phone evangelism http://internetevangelismday.com/video-outreach.php 2012-03-19T12:14:31-05:00 Since its launch in 2005 (history), YouTube has grown to be the definitive place to find and share video shorts. By 2012, 60 minutes of new video content were being posted to YouTube every minute, with over 2 billion videos viewed worldwide each day. It's the default place to post short clips, with Vimeo as a distant second for longer videos. YouTube is now the world's second-largest search interface, after Google. Video shorts are a strategic opportunity for social networking and mobile phone evangelism. Mobile phones are a major key to evangelism and discipleship http://internetevangelismday.com/blog/archives/7383 2012-03-14T12:21:10-05:00 There's one message that we need to write on our hearts: THINK MOBILE. Whether you're a web designer, church, social networker, bible or book publisher, or mission agency, mobiles are a vital key to evangelism and discipleship.