Gospel.com Topics Feed - Biblical Womanhood 2011-05-26T16:13:20-05:00 GCI info@gospel.com /feeds/topics/biblical+womanhood/ True Woman: A 20-Year-Old Writes About Biblical Womanhood for Teens http://truewoman.com/?id=1697 2011-05-26T16:13:20-05:00 Hear about the book, a little about Hannah’s story, and how it all comes back to Jesus. True Woman: Alpha Women and Beta Boys http://truewoman.com/?id=1486 2010-11-17T16:26:08-05:00 While this alpha woman trend is celebrated by those who have swallowed the feminist/egalitarian claim that male-female roles are interchangeable, the reality is that the majority of alpha women are dissatisfied with their breadwinner status. It appears that an alpha woman married to a beta boy puts an unnatural strain on a couple’s marital and sexual relationship. Opportunities for Ministry for Women http://reviveourhearts.com/topics/downloads/index.php?id=9742 2010-08-31T13:55:02-05:00 Pastor John Piper suggests several areas of ministry where God delights to use women to serve Him and His church. Biblical Portrait of Womanhood http://reviveourhearts.com/topics/downloads/index.php?id=9888 2010-08-25T14:34:55-05:00 Understand and embrace the distinct purpose God created you for with the help of this booklet by Nancy Leigh DeMoss. Becoming God's True Woman http://reviveourhearts.com/topics/downloads/index.php?id=10337 2010-08-25T14:26:50-05:00 What is a true woman? One who lives a God-centered life, trusts God, and says, "Yes, Lord." Becoming a Woman of Virtue http://reviveourhearts.com/topics/downloads/index.php?id=9485 2010-08-25T14:23:27-05:00 How attractive are you in God's sight? Use these questions to help evaluate yourself. A Prayer for Women by John Piper http://reviveourhearts.com/topics/downloads/index.php?id=9740 2010-08-25T14:13:17-05:00 Pastor John Piper's earnest prayer and challenge for women. A Call to Biblical Womanhood http://reviveourhearts.com/topics/downloads/index.php?id=9907 2010-08-25T14:07:24-05:00 Learn, affirm, and live out the biblical pattern of womanhood, for God's glory and your enjoyment. Daughters of Eve [repack w/ Study Guide included]: Virginia Stem Owens http://navpress.com/store/product.aspx?id=9781600062001 2008-07-23T18:22:40-05:00 Seeing Ourselves in Women of the Bible. Have women changed that much since the beginning of time? Being a woman that transcends time and cultural differences? Being a woman is as challenging as it ever was. Make Over: Jen Hatmaker http://navpress.com/store/product.aspx?id=9781576838945 2008-07-23T18:14:05-05:00 Revitalizing the Many Roles You Fill. Juggle the roles of wife, mother, professional, counselor, and everything in between—possibly during the same hour.