Gospel.com Topics Feed - Bill Hybels 2013-10-04T15:14:12-05:00 GCI info@gospel.com /feeds/topics/bill+hybels/ Trust the Holy Spirit’s Promptings in Your Hiring http://faithgateway.com/trust-holy-spirit-promptings-in-your-hiring-decisions/ 2013-10-04T15:14:12-05:00 In those rare cases when the human laws of leadership and the scriptural demands of discipleship do collide, decide on the side of discipleship every time. Trust the promptings of the […] 3 Studies on Prayer http://faithgateway.com/3-studies-on-prayer/ 2013-10-04T14:42:10-05:00 There are many mysteries in the Christian faith, and prayer is one that I know many people have a hard time grasping. There are many questions on the hows, whys, whats, and whens of prayer. With all that (and more) in mind, here are 3 studies on prayer that you and your small group might […]