Gospel.com Topics Feed - Boundaries 2013-01-07T09:59:52-05:00 GCI info@gospel.com /feeds/topics/boundaries/ Never Turn Off the Alarm - #6781 http://hutchcraft.com/a-word-with-you/your-hindrances/never-turn-off-the-alarm-6781 2013-01-07T09:59:52-05:00 If the missile of sin's destruction is headed your way, I guarantee you, the Holy Spirit's alarm is going off in you now. Turn off the alarm and the price will be too high to pay. Respond to the alarm, and you will be able to get out while you can. The Bar Stays Where it Is - #6530 http://hutchcraft.com/a-word-with-you/your-hindrances/the-bar-stays-where-it-is-6530 2012-01-20T10:08:36-05:00 When sin gets close to home, it can teach us how to be more merciful than we've been before, how to be less judgmental. And it can give us a wonderful opportunity to show God's unconditional love for people whether they clear the bar or not. But we dare not try in the process of loving and forgiving and accepting people in a sinful moment. We dare not try to lower God's standard. He didn't for the man He loved deeply, and we can't either. How to Raise Kids Who Stay In Bounds - #6211 http://hutchcraft.com/a-word-with-you/your-relationships/how-to-raise-kids-who-stay-in-bounds-6211 2010-11-01T10:26:15-05:00 If you've been lax or inconsistent in helping your children understand the boundaries, penalties, ask them to forgive you. Let them know that, before God, you owe it to them to do a better job "ref-ing" the game of their life. Clarity, consistency, mutual trust and walking your talk: those are building blocks in authority that a child can respect and build a life on. True Woman Blog: Girls Gone Wise 11: If You Play with Fire http://truewoman.com/?id=1167 2010-09-01T12:15:32-05:00 "If you play with fire, you're going to get burned" is how the old saying goes. But so many women throw caution to the wind and ignore boundaries, thinking it would never happen to them. Sexual Purity http://reviveourhearts.com/topics/downloads/index.php?id=9580 2010-08-31T14:20:25-05:00 Here are some practical ways to maintain sexual purity. Personal Hedges http://reviveourhearts.com/topics/downloads/index.php?id=9507 2010-08-31T13:59:18-05:00 Practical cautions for Christian women to help safeguard our hearts and the marriages of the men around us. My Personal Hedges Worksheet http://reviveourhearts.com/topics/downloads/index.php?id=10635 2010-08-31T13:48:58-05:00 Use this worksheet designed by Mary Kassian to help you establish what your personal hedges are. Establishing Moral Boundaries http://reviveourhearts.com/topics/downloads/index.php?id=9909 2010-08-25T15:34:35-05:00 Become an encourager and a blessing to the men in your lifeā€”building them up in their faith, rather than defrauding them. The Illusion of Being Covered - #5980 http://hutchcraft.com/a-word-with-you/your-most-important-relationship/the-illusion-of-being-covered-5980 2009-12-11T09:59:33-05:00 So many of us are thinking we're going to be okay with God, that we'll make it into heaven because of all our religion, all the good we've done - fig leaves. The best we can do, but nowhere near enough to satisfy a perfect God. Hebrews 9:22 says, "Without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness." It took the shedding of the blood of the sinless Son of God to cover your sin and mine. And your only hope is putting all your trust in Him. The Avalanche Zone - #5947 http://hutchcraft.com/a-word-with-you/your-relationships/the-avalanche-zone-5947 2009-10-27T09:11:33-05:00 The ultimate outcome of our sin will inevitably be death, the death of our self-respect, of relationships, of people's trust, our reputation, but worst of all, our eternal separation from our God in a place Jesus called hell. But the dying for your sin has already been done by Jesus Christ.