Gospel.com Topics Feed - Brood Of Vipers 2010-08-05T09:48:53-05:00 GCI info@gospel.com /feeds/topics/brood+of+vipers/ Brood of vipers - a Christian perspective http://biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Matthew%203:7&version=NIV 2010-08-05T09:48:53-05:00 John reserved his harshest words for the religious leaders of his day, who he called a "brood of vipers." Their hypocrisy and adherence to man-made religion made them enemies of his message of freedom. Pharisees in the Bible: Matthew 3:7 http://biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Matthew%203:7&version=NIV 2010-08-05T09:48:43-05:00 John the baptist and Jesus didn't have much good to say about the Pharisees, the religious rulers who hounded him with continual efforts to trip up his ministry. Here John calls them a "brood of vipers"--an apt description.