Gospel.com Topics Feed - Caleb 2010-08-20T13:50:46-05:00 GCI info@gospel.com /feeds/topics/caleb/ Revive Our Hearts: Finishing Well (Tom Elliff) http://reviveourhearts.com/topics/series.php?series=264&topic_name=General Christian Living 2010-08-20T13:50:46-05:00 Dr. Tom Elliff explores the biblical example of Caleb as he shares the formula that will help us finish well. It comes down to the element of character, being a person of confidence, and the issue of choices. Be challenged to live your life fully for God, leaving a godly legacy that will have an impact on generations to come. Lighting Up At The End Of The Game - #3017 http://hutchcraft.com/a-word-with-you/your-hindrances/lighting-up-at-the-end-of-the-game-3017 2009-10-01T10:53:52-05:00 Maybe you've allowed yourself to slip into a survival mentality, or maybe you've become self-absorbed or self-pitying. In the fourth quarter, some people just settle into a reward mindset. "Well, I've worked hard all these years. I'll just settle back and relax now. It's time just to reward myself for what I did in the first three quarters of the game." Wait a minute! The game isn't over yet! We'll rest in heaven. We'll get rewarded in heaven. Giants - a Christian perspective http://biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Numbers%2013:33&version=KJV 2009-08-12T10:02:32-05:00 When the Israelites sent scouts into the land of Canaan, they heard back that it was full of giants. Although most of the scouts balked at the idea of challenging the Canaanites, a faithful few, like Caleb, encouraged the Israelites to be bold. Caleb in the Bible: Numbers 13:1-33 http://biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Numbers%2013:1-33&version=NIV 2009-07-24T13:10:06-05:00 When the time came to scout out the land of Canaan, Moses sent a group of scouts to investigate and report back. Caleb was the only one who reported back honestly and confidently. As a result, he was honored with an inheritance in Hebron. Russian Forty Years http://bibleforchildren.org/PDFs/russian/Forty%20Years%20Russian.pdf 2009-03-04T12:16:47-05:00 Russian: Israel complains. God gives them quail & manna. Moses goes up the mountain to receive the 10 commandments. Israel sins & makes a golden calf. 10 spies bring a bad report about the promised land. Caleb & Joshua give a good report. Israel wanders 40 years in the wilderness for their sin. ChineseT Forty Years http://bibleforchildren.org/PDFs/chinese_traditional/Forty%20Years%20ChineseT.pdf 2009-02-27T14:33:11-05:00 ChineseT: Israel complains. God gives them quail & manna. Moses goes up the mountain to receive the 10 commandments. Israel sins & makes a golden calf. 10 spies bring a bad report about the promised land. Caleb & Joshua give a good report. Israel wanders 40 years in the wilderness for their sin. Icelandic Forty Years http://bibleforchildren.org/PDFs/icelandic/Forty%20Years%20Icelandic.pdf 2009-02-27T13:55:30-05:00 Icelandic: Israel complains. God gives them quail & manna. Moses goes up the mountain to receive the 10 commandments. Israel sins & makes a golden calf. 10 spies bring a bad report about the promised land. Caleb & Joshua give a good report. Israel wanders 40 years in the wilderness for their sin. Hebrew Forty Years Hebrew.pdf (application/pdf Object) http://bibleforchildren.org/PDFs/hebrew/Forty%20Years%20Hebrew.pdf 2009-02-27T13:33:59-05:00 Hebrew: Israel complains. God gives them quail & manna. Moses goes up the mountain to receive the 10 commandments. Israel sins & makes a golden calf. 10 spies bring a bad report about the promised land. Caleb & Joshua give a good report. Israel wanders 40 years in the wilderness for their sin. Israel :: Bible Word Search http://biblica.com/bible/word/index.php?word_request=Israel&selected_version_word=niv&match_type=all&limit_select=span&limit_testament=0&start_book=0&end_book=0&limit=25&sortby=bookorder 2008-07-03T11:47:30-05:00 How many times is the word 'Israel' mentioned in the Bible. Do a keyword search on 'Israel'. Arabic Forty Years http://bibleforchildren.org/PDFs/arabic/Forty%20Years%20Arabic.pdf 2008-05-30T14:52:27-05:00 Arabic: Israel complains. God gives them quail & manna. Moses goes up the mountain to receive the 10 commandments. Israel sins & makes a golden calf. 10 spies bring a bad report about the promised land. Caleb & Joshua give a good report. Israel wanders 40 years in the wilderness for their sin.