Gospel.com Topics Feed - Calm 2009-08-18T15:29:24-05:00 GCI info@gospel.com /feeds/topics/calm/ Calm - a Christian perspective http://biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Mark%204:37-40&version=NIV 2009-08-18T15:29:24-05:00 Jesus calms a turbulent storm in this miracle. Despite their closeness to Jesus, the disciples were still afraid for their lives when the storm rose, prompting Jesus to chide them for their lack of faith. Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Shrinking Your God - #4457 http://hutchcraft.com/A-Word-With-You/Your-Most-Important-Relationship/Shrinking-Your-God-4457 2008-08-29T01:30:10-05:00 Faith is the key that unlocks all the great things God has for you. And He isn't about to let your faith stay the same size. He's in the faith-enlargement business. He's let something come into your life that defies human solution, that overwhelms human answers, so you can experience how big your King really is. When the bad news gets "badder," your God does not get smaller. He's still the Sovereign Lord, the great and powerful God. Let yourself be overwhelmed by the God you have - and you'll find that nothing but Him is truly overwhelming! Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - A Gerbil On A Wheel - #4065 http://hutchcraft.com/A-Word-With-You/Your-Hard-Times/A-Gerbil-On-A-Wheel-4065 2008-08-01T15:54:18-05:00 I know more and more people who are tired of the "gerbil wheel" of status quo living. It's not that the wheel is bad - it just isn't satisfying. Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - How A Thermometer Becomes A Thermostat - #4084 http://hutchcraft.com/A-Word-With-You/Your-Hindrances/How-A-Thermometer-Becomes-A-Thermostat-4084 2008-08-01T15:28:10-05:00 What most of us would like to be is a thermostat - someone who controls the temperature in our situation. Your family sure needs for you to be a thermostat; if everyone's a thermometer, it's chaos there. The people you work with, your friends - they need someone who is under control, who doesn't go off with the stress, who's steady and caring and peaceful. Those thermostat people are rare - and valuable.