Gospel.com Topics Feed - Christology 2011-06-27T16:23:05-05:00 GCI info@gospel.com /feeds/topics/christology/ Life & Thought of Caspar Schwenckfeld von Ossig | Christian History Institute http://chitorch.org/index.php/chm/sixteenth-century/schwenckfeld/ 2011-06-27T16:23:05-05:00 A little-known reformer, Schwenckfeld’s original Christology emphasized the glorified being of Christ. From Christian History magazine. Module 205: Anselm | Christian History Institute http://chitorch.org/index.php/eras/medieval/anselm/ 2008-11-15T12:03:41-05:00 Christian History Institute's study module to accompany Anselm's Why Did God Become Man? Module 108: Athanasius | Christian History Institute http://chitorch.org/index.php/eras/early-church/athanasius/ 2008-11-15T11:47:42-05:00 Christian History Institute's study guide to accompany The Incarnation of the Word by St Athanasius.