Gospel.com Topics Feed - Contextulaization 2008-05-06T15:57:34-05:00 GCI info@gospel.com /feeds/topics/contextulaization/ Lausanne World Pulse - Contextualizing a Parable for Creative Teaching in Africa http://lausanneworldpulse.com/themedarticles.php/370/06-2006?pg=all 2008-05-06T15:57:34-05:00 Using Luke 15 to share kingdom values to individuals and communities in Africa. Lausanne World Pulse - Integrating the Gospel with Culture Responsibly http://lausanneworldpulse.com/themedarticles.php/683/04-2007?pg=all 2008-05-02T14:26:00-05:00 It is imperative to integrate the gospel with culture in a responsible manner and this integration must be done within the context of a community who are mature in their faith and knowledge of scripture.