Gospel.com Topics Feed - Conversation 2013-11-23T06:00:05-05:00 GCI info@gospel.com /feeds/topics/conversation/ Making the Most of Carpool Conversations for Faith Talks with Your Kids http://faithgateway.com/carpool-conversations-faith-talks-kids/ 2013-11-23T06:00:05-05:00 I learned early on as a parent that when they’re not picking on one another or wondering how soon we’ll get where we’re going, children are a captive audience while riding in the car. As early as age 3, Big J–our now 7-year-old–was asking very challenging questions as we drove… “What do aardvarks eat?” “What […] Animated video shorts are unique and effective genre for Christian communication http://internetevangelismday.com/blog/archives/6039 2011-11-01T12:05:09-05:00 This charming animated short illustrates some of the strengths of the genre to communicate well, especially without using dialogue. Book review: God Space, by Doug Pollock. Effective conversational evangelism. http://internetevangelismday.com/blog/archives/4079 2011-04-09T11:21:29-05:00 Most of us struggle to connect with outsiders and have meaningful conversations about faith. We may have been taught to use formulaic methodogies to steer conversations and proclaim set-piece 'one size fits all' gospel presentations. If ever these worked moderately well in times past, they don't now. Pollock’s book explains his concept of creating a conversational ‘God Space’ in which to engage, by learning to notice and listen, and thereby avoid a range of conversation killers or hijacking methods that control a conversation. Movies and TV tell hidden stories with spiritual messages and parallels http://internetevangelismday.com/blog/archives/3532 2011-03-01T15:52:03-05:00 People have always loved stories – indeed we are hard-wired to so, and we spend a considerable portion of our leisure time in the world of story, particularly through movies/TV. Yet many people probably enjoy them without necessarily discerning areas of deeper significance within the plot. Catching Beats Dodging - #6272 http://hutchcraft.com/a-word-with-you/your-hindrances/catching-beats-dodging-6272 2011-01-25T12:58:51-05:00 So many human tragedies could have been averted if only a man hadn't put off dealing with problems and not let the sun go down on it. If we're going to be the leaders God has commanded us to be, guys, we've got to turn and face the issues. Discuss our deep feelings and solve problems while they're small enough to solve. Free Christian evangelistic screen saver - remarkable low-key screensaver for office or home http://internetevangelismday.com/screensaver.php 2010-08-08T16:25:41-05:00 There are many overtly Christian screen savers, but some may be too blatant in approach to be wisely evangelistic. We suggest that in most cultures and work environments, it is best not to use ‘in-your-face’ preachy slogans/Bible verses. A lower-key style which tries to ‘intrigue the lost’ and create conversation may have much more real potential. This screen saver is designed for Christians to use in their secular workplaces, where other workers may notice it from time to time. How to Miss What You Were Made For - #6006 http://hutchcraft.com/a-word-with-you/your-most-important-relationship/how-to-miss-what-you-were-made-for-6006 2010-01-18T17:26:56-05:00 There comes this day in your life when Jesus goes by, offering Himself to you to be your personal Savior from your personal sin. There comes this day when He moves your heart to care about the sin in your life, to see that it will cost you heaven, and to understand that His dying on that cross was to pay the awful price for your sin. Speech - a Christian perspective http://biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Colossians%204:6&version=NIV 2009-10-02T15:56:29-05:00 The Bible puts great emphasis on the power of words to build up or destroy others. This verse exhorts Christians to be both graceful and wise in their conversation at all times.