Gospel.com Topics Feed - Cost Of Discipleship 2009-08-06T23:00:15-05:00 GCI info@gospel.com /feeds/topics/cost+of+discipleship/ Discipleship - a Christian perspective http://biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Luke%2014:25-35&version=NIV 2009-08-06T23:00:15-05:00 Jesus lays out the requirements for being his disciple, and it's an intimidating list: it requires being willing to leave all else behind and follow him. The point is that Christains must put Christ first in their lives, before everything else they own or know. Matthew 8: 18-22 http://70030.netministry.com/apps/articles/default.asp?articleid=34783&columnid=3803 2007-11-03T19:04:44-05:00 The Cost of Discipleship. This passage has some seemingly strange happenings and words coming from Jesus. Large crowds often followed Jesus, attracted by His teachings, and His miracles.