Gospel.com Topics Feed - Counter-reformation 2009-06-22T13:33:58-05:00 GCI info@gospel.com /feeds/topics/counter-reformation/ Module 408: The Quietists | Christian History Institute http://chitorch.org/index.php/eras/post-reformation/quietists/ 2009-06-22T13:33:58-05:00 Christian History Institute's study module for three famous quietist writers: Molinas, Guyon, Fenelon. Module 309: Teresa of Avilla | Christian History Institute http://chitorch.org/index.php/eras/reformation/teresa/ 2008-11-15T13:35:02-05:00 Christian History Institute's study module to accompany The Way of Perfection St Teresa of Avila Module 308: Ignatius Loyola | Christian History Institute http://chitorch.org/index.php/eras/reformation/loyola/ 2008-11-15T13:33:41-05:00 Christian History Institute's study module to accompany The Spiritual Exercises Of St. Ignatius Of Loyola