Gospel.com Topics Feed - Crisis 2013-09-25T09:56:00-05:00 GCI info@gospel.com /feeds/topics/crisis/ The Boss Is the Glue - #6968 http://hutchcraft.com/a-word-with-you/your-hard-times/the-boss-is-the-glue-6968 2013-09-25T09:56:00-05:00 Just tell Him, "Lord, anything goes." See, He knows the next step, He knows the results, and it is the One and it is Jesus who brings all things together. What did it say here, "In Him all things hold together." You give that out-of-control part of your life to the Master, and give Him total control. Surfing is Better Than Sinking - #6721 http://hutchcraft.com/a-word-with-you/your-hard-times/surfing-is-better-than-sinking-6721 2012-10-15T09:47:25-05:00 Remember, your situation is your assignment from God. Do what the great surfers do! Ride on top of this wave; surf on it. Capture it for Christ. Spectacle in the Sky - #6611 http://hutchcraft.com/a-word-with-you/your-hard-times/spectacle-in-the-sky-6611 2012-05-15T10:26:21-05:00 The much-hammered Apostle Paul put the troubles and the payoff on the scale and he weighed it this way: "Our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed..." (Romans 8:18). I guess we should learn something from the way we all come into the world. Labor - baby. Painful process - beautiful result. Hope for Uncertain Times http://reviveourhearts.com/topics/downloads/index.php?id=10076 2010-08-25T16:11:24-05:00 Learn how to survive—and thrive—in an economic crisis. The Emergency Room at Peggie's Place! http://peggiesplace.com/helpnow.htm 2010-08-02T17:54:12-05:00 Need help in a spiritual crisis? Find helpful resources for health, troubled families, emotional needs, spiritual questions and more! "Lost in the Toy Store of Life"--a Christian Devotional from Peggie's Place! http://peggiesplace.com/words139.htm 2010-05-24T14:08:50-05:00 Are you a fan of "LOST," the phenomenal TV series that just ended? Discover a spiritual application to the "lost" people around us--seekers, believers - and yes, you and me too! Stopped By A Storm - #2395 http://hutchcraft.com/a-word-with-you/your-hard-times/stopped-by-a-storm-2395 2009-09-24T16:14:45-05:00 Maybe you've been hit with something medical or financial. Maybe your family is in a crisis or someone you love is gone or you found yourself out of work, out of money even out of hope. Sometimes a struggling son or daughter knocks us off our horse. Whatever the storm would you allow me to suggest why it might be happening. For the same reason it happened to Saul, so you would finally be able to hear the voice of Jesus. Ron Hutchcraft Ministries, Inc. - Unexplainable Peace - #8284 | Radio Program | A Life That Matters http://hutchcraft.com/a-life-that-matters/radio-program/unexplainable-peace-8284 2009-09-18T13:57:44-05:00 It was a competition for young painters, and the theme was “Peace.” First prize was for the painting that best portrayed peace. The favorite: well that was a painting that showed a peaceful pasture under a rich blue sky, sheep grazing by the pond and a farm boy fishing. Well, that painting came in second. At first glance, the winning painting seemed to be like a strange choice: rugged cliffs, a foreboding dark sky, a violent storm and a turbulent ocean. But you needed to look again, because halfway up, a mother bird in her nest was there with her little baby birds nestled under her wings, sleeping peacefully. Crisis and Disaster :: Scripture Outreach http://biblica.com/ministry/project.php?outreach=2827 2009-09-16T17:23:05-05:00 Biblica, together with a network of ministry allies, comes alongside people in their hour of need. In parts of the world where people frequently suffer disasters, calamities, and crises, we respond with hope and salvation for individuals and families. Devotional : Asking God For Help Part 3 - Worry and Anxiety http://delveintojesus.com/Devotionals/9/Asking-God-For-Help-Part-3.aspx 2009-03-29T19:21:40-05:00 In this final devotional in the series, we look at the role anxiety plays in our surrender to God. Whenever we find ourselves worrying about the outcome of conflict or crisis, it's an indication that there is something we have failed to do, or something we need to stop doing.