Gospel.com Topics Feed - Critical 2011-09-23T09:18:40-05:00 GCI info@gospel.com /feeds/topics/critical/ Someone Talked - #6445 http://hutchcraft.com/a-word-with-you/your-personal-power/someone-talked-6445 2011-09-23T09:18:40-05:00 We can sink people's lives with our words. World War II G.I.s were warned not to say the things they could say, because they were wanting to save lives. See, that's still an important warning and maybe it's a time for us to pray as the Holy Spirit points this out inside us, "Lord, help me to stop this tongue of mine before more hurting words come out." "The tongue has the power of life and death." The Line Between Night and Day - #6292 http://hutchcraft.com/a-word-with-you/your-personal-power/the-line-between-night-and-day-6292 2011-03-11T16:12:46-05:00 How do people feel after they've been around you? Do they feel lighter or darker? Have you built them up, or have you been critical - torn them down; made them feel anything but important? Maybe you've been living too close to that line. Your temper keeps crossing into the night; your humor, your thoughts, your physical involvement with someone else. Or maybe it's an attitude or an action that's just too dark for a day person like you. You don't belong there. True Woman: Taming That Tongue http://truewoman.com/?id=1614 2011-03-03T11:49:17-05:00 While no one in their own power can “tame the tongue,” thankfully, God provides all you need to discipline this unruly critter! As you cooperate with Him, here are some practical tips to help you tame that unruly tongue. True Woman: Slammed Anyone Lately? http://truewoman.com/?id=1632 2011-03-03T11:32:56-05:00 Not long into the message I began to get a little uncomfortable. My discomfort increased as the preacher began a tirade against certain individuals, even referring to them as “idiots.” Years later, I don’t have a clue what his text or his point was, but I can clearly recall this preacher’s critical words.