Gospel.com Topics Feed - Death Penalty 2010-01-20T17:51:42-05:00 GCI info@gospel.com /feeds/topics/death+penalty/ Should Christians Support the Death Penalty? http://delveintojesus.com/Articles/83/Should-Christians-Support-the-Death-Penalty.aspx 2010-01-20T17:51:42-05:00 The death penalty is a controversial issue among Christians and non-Christians alike. What does the Bible have to say about it? Should Christians Support the Death Penalty? http://gospel.com/blog/index.php/2009/10/26/should-christians-support-the-death-penalty/ 2009-10-28T10:51:11-05:00 Capital punishment is considered only in the most extreme of cases, and even then, it’s rarely used. Despite its infrequent use, is the death penalty something Christians should support? Cain’s Wife—Who Was She? - Answers in Genesis http://answersingenesis.org/articles/nab/who-was-cains-wife 2008-01-12T20:07:53-05:00 Skeptics of the Bible have used Cain’s wife time and again to try to discredit the book of Genesis as a true historical record. Sadly, most Christians have not given an adequate answer to this question.