Gospel.com Topics Feed - Differences 2010-10-19T09:55:25-05:00 GCI info@gospel.com /feeds/topics/differences/ The Very Different Children of the Very Same Father - #6202 http://hutchcraft.com/a-word-with-you/your-hindrances/the-very-different-children-of-the-very-same-father-6202 2010-10-19T09:55:25-05:00 our divisions are giving lost people just another reason to ignore our Jesus. They look at us and say, "Hey, when you guys can get together, come and talk to me." It's time we started to act like what we really are: children of the same Father, born into the same family, sharing the same spiritual DNA, rescued at the same old rugged cross, spending eternity together in the same heaven. Ron Hutchcraft Ministries, Inc. - Our 'Many Flavors' God - #9183 | Radio Program | A Life That Matters http://hutchcraft.com/a-life-that-matters/radio-program/our-many-flavors-god-9183 2009-02-05T13:52:01-05:00 My friend turned me loose after hours one night in the store he owns. It’s a Baskin-Robbins ice cream store with all those flavors—lots of flavors. That’s actually how God feels. ... I’m Ron Hutchcraft, and you can tell that just by looking at us…God likes variety in the people He’s created. He’s made many flavors—a rainbow of colors. You know the song’s right, “Red and yellow, black and white, they are precious in His sight.” Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - How to Make a Woman Feel Loved - #5078 http://hutchcraft.com/A-Word-With-You/Your-Relationships/How-to-Make-a-Woman-Feel-Loved-5078 2008-08-06T14:33:44-05:00 It took me a little while being married before I got it figured out, but I know what is the number one way to make most women feel loved: Listen to her - not just her words, but her heart. I made a promise at my wedding that God's voice would always be the most important in heaven and my wife's voice the most important on earth. Easy to say. Harder to do, especially with so many voices to listen to in my life. But the woman who's trusted her life to me ought to be the most important voice in my life.