Gospel.com Topics Feed - Difficulty 2010-09-15T15:07:12-05:00 GCI info@gospel.com /feeds/topics/difficulty/ True Woman Blog: Asking Why http://truewoman.com/?id=1244 2010-09-15T15:07:12-05:00 Is there something painful in your life right now that you don’t think you deserve? Something that’s causing you to cry, “Why, God?” True Woman Blog: Mary Ann on "Voices": Whimpering to Jesus http://truewoman.com/?id=1108 2010-09-08T12:07:21-05:00 "Recently I had my fourth kidney stone. Have you ever had one? The pain is unrelenting, consuming, and unresponsive to any 'over-the-counter' pain meds. It's a paralyzing, helpless, hopeless kind of feeling. My initial response to the pain was to focus inwardly and whimper to Jesus for relief." True Woman Blog: When the walls come crashing in http://truewoman.com/?id=1156 2010-09-08T11:25:39-05:00 But then it happened. Like falling dominoes, segment after segment of ten-foot tulling walls suddenly came crashing down. Gasps of horror preceded a deafening silence as we realized that hours of hard work now lay undone at our feet. Hope for Uncertain Times http://reviveourhearts.com/topics/downloads/index.php?id=10076 2010-08-25T16:11:24-05:00 Learn how to survive—and thrive—in an economic crisis. Dealing With Difficult Trials http://delveintojesus.com/discovery/9/Dealing-With-Difficult-Trials.aspx 2007-11-08T18:57:17-05:00 How can we cope with loss, tragedy or difficult circumstances? Why does life have to be so hard, anyway? Through this series of articles, we will search God's word for answers to "How To Master Your Circumstances, Before They Master You".