Gospel.com Topics Feed - Discouragement 2012-10-09T10:43:32-05:00 GCI info@gospel.com /feeds/topics/discouragement/ Panic in Hell - #6717 http://hutchcraft.com/a-word-with-you/your-hindrances/panic-in-hell-6717 2012-10-09T10:43:32-05:00 the Devil is luring you, he's desperately doing whatever it takes to pull you away from Jesus; to get your focus somewhere else. But if you fight back in Jesus' name, there'll be even more panic in hell. When You Charge, They Charge - #6577 http://hutchcraft.com/a-word-with-you/your-hard-times/when-you-charge-they-charge-6577 2012-03-27T10:33:43-05:00 Serving the Lord is much like football. As soon as you start gaining ground spiritually, the other side starts to come after you. When you charge, they charge. That's something to be aware of, but it's not something to be afraid of. Just keep running toward that open door, because you have the Son of God blocking for you. True Woman Battling: Discouragement and Depression with . . . http://truewoman.com/?id=1586 2011-03-03T13:57:09-05:00 Does Scripture memory sound like “just another thing to do” on an already overwhelming to-do list? What if you learned it was one of the greatest weapons with which to battle discouragement and depression in your life? Would that pique your interest a bit more? Using Your Winter To Win Your Battles - #6233 http://hutchcraft.com/a-word-with-you/your-hindrances/using-your-winter-to-win-your-battles-6233 2010-12-01T09:39:45-05:00 Discouragement and fear and drifting from God - those are your greatest enemies, not what faces you on your battlefields. This winter is not dead time or despair time. It's get ready time. What you do with your winter will decide whether you win or lose! True Woman Blog: When the walls come crashing in http://truewoman.com/?id=1156 2010-09-08T11:25:39-05:00 But then it happened. Like falling dominoes, segment after segment of ten-foot tulling walls suddenly came crashing down. Gasps of horror preceded a deafening silence as we realized that hours of hard work now lay undone at our feet. True Woman Blog: The Gospel and Eeyore http://truewoman.com/?id=1197 2010-08-31T16:40:00-05:00 While I was never a huge fan of that mopey little grey donkey, Eeyore, I never imagined how the shadow of gloom and doom that characterized his little world would one day permeate my own life. When the Devil Pulls Your String - #6151 http://hutchcraft.com/a-word-with-you/your-hindrances/when-the-devil-pulls-your-string-6151 2010-08-12T10:50:12-05:00 It's time you defied that enemy in the conquering name of Jesus. It's time you say, "Go ahead, pull my string. But because I've got Jesus on my side, I'm not going to do what I've always done before. I am not your puppet anymore!" Taking Back What the Enemy Stole - #6029 http://hutchcraft.com/a-word-with-you/your-hindrances/taking-back-what-the-enemy-stole-6029 2010-02-18T09:46:45-05:00 The enemy may have his hand on something or someone right now he has no right to. It's time for you to follow General Jesus into the battle to take back what the enemy has stolen! When You Charge, They Charge! - #3157 http://hutchcraft.com/a-word-with-you/your-hard-times/when-you-charge-they-charge-3157 2009-09-22T14:04:06-05:00 As God starts to open doors and give opportunities, pray for the protection available in Jesus' Name - for you, for those you love. Pray against discouragement. Remember that serving the Lord is much like football. As soon as you start gaining ground spiritually, the other side starts to come after you. When you charge, they charge. That's something to be aware of, not afraid of. Dot Fixation - #2662 http://hutchcraft.com/a-word-with-you/your-mission/dot-fixation-2662 2009-09-15T16:29:24-05:00 God may be asking you right now, "So what do you see?" If it's just the dot in front of you, you will probably get it wrong. Let your Lord lift your eyes to the larger canvas on which today's dot is very small - the canvas of an all-powerful, all-loving Father working in your life and His unstoppable, eternal plan for you.