Gospel.com Topics Feed - Distress 2012-05-22T15:07:02-05:00 GCI info@gospel.com /feeds/topics/distress/ Picking a Major - #6617 http://hutchcraft.com/a-word-with-you/your-personal-power/picking-a-major-6617 2012-05-22T15:07:02-05:00 Whether you're a Ph.D., or you never made it through high school, major in the Bible. It shows up the lies; it shows you what God wants today; it shows you the big picture. Distress in the Bible - a Christian perspective http://biblegateway.com/passage/?search=John%2012:27&version=NIV 2009-09-10T14:52:18-05:00 Jesus had every reason to feel distressed in this situation. He was about to be crucified and was wrestling with the inevitability of the situation. David Brainerd : It's All Worth It http://sermonindex.net/modules/articles/index.php?view=article&aid=9706 2008-01-10T13:10:39-05:00 Monday March 7. This morning when I arose, I found my heart go forth after God in longing desires of conformity to Him, and in secret prayer found myself sweetly quickened and drawn out in praises to God for all He had done to and for me, and for all my inward trials and distresses of late...