Gospel.com Topics Feed - Dna 2008-01-18T19:36:18-05:00 GCI info@gospel.com /feeds/topics/dna/ Extinction http://soulation.org/library/articles/extinction.pdf 2008-01-18T19:36:18-05:00 Article on DNA findings that the human race decended from similar ancestors. Don’t Creationists Deny the Laws of Nature? - Answers in Genesis http://answersingenesis.org/articles/nab/creationists-deny-laws-of-nature 2008-01-12T19:51:25-05:00 Everything in the universe, every plant and animal, every rock, every particle of matter or light wave, is bound by laws.The Bible tells us that there are laws of nature—“ordinances of heaven and earth” (Jeremiah 33:25). These laws describe the way God normally accomplishes His will in the universe. Living Hope Ministries http://lhvm.org/vid_dna_med.htm 2008-01-07T15:54:42-05:00 An hour long video that discusses the issue of "DNA vs. The Book of Mormon." Did humans really evolve from ape-like creatures? - Answers in Genesis http://answersingenesis.org/articles/wow/did-humans-really-evolve 2008-01-05T13:26:15-05:00 They claim that anthropologists have found links in the human evolutionary chain and that scientists have “proven” evolution happens through DNA and other studies. But what is the real evidence for human evolution? Are mutations part of the “engine” of evolution? - Answers in Genesis http://answersingenesis.org/articles/wow/are-mutations-the-engine 2008-01-05T13:24:20-05:00 In the evolutionary model, mutations are hailed as a dominant mechanism for pond-scum-to-people evolution and provide “proof” that the Bible’s history about creation is wrong. Can natural processes explain the origin of life? - Answers in Genesis http://answersingenesis.org/articles/wow/can-natural-processes-explain 2008-01-05T13:21:52-05:00 When considering how life began, there are only two options. Either life was created by an intelligent source (God) or it began by natural processes. The common perception presented in many textbooks and in the media is that life arose from non-life in a pool of chemicals about 3.8 billion years ago Tale of Two Chromosomes - Answers in Genesis http://answersingenesis.org/articles/am/v2/n4/tale-of-two-chromosomes 2007-11-16T16:18:32-05:00 Evolutionists can be excellent storytellers. For example, Dr. Ken Miller, a biology professor from Brown University who testified against Intelligent Design (ID) at the Dover trial,1 tells an engaging story that he claims is compelling evidence for evolution. The problem is that because of his natur