Gospel.com Topics Feed - Fans 2010-12-11T15:33:02-05:00 GCI info@gospel.com /feeds/topics/fans/ Facebook wall landing page problem - how to ensure non-fans arrive on your Wall. http://internetevangelismday.com/blog/archives/3015 2010-12-11T15:33:02-05:00 If you have a Facebook fan page, you absolutely must check what landing tab/page people arrive at if they are not already fans. Best way to do this is open the Facebook page in a different brand of browser – for instance the excellent Chrome – and do not log in to Facebook. That way, you will see what non-fans see. You may be surprised to find that what they land on is the Info tab/page, which may contain limited and unenticing information. And yes, this may happen even though, in the Edit Page permissions, you have set ‘Wall’ as your landing page for non-fans.