Gospel.com Topics Feed - Finding Strength 2013-10-22T06:00:04-05:00 GCI info@gospel.com /feeds/topics/finding+strength/ Fight Like a Man http://faithgateway.com/fight-like-man/ 2013-10-22T06:00:04-05:00 The virtue of strength is determined by how it’s used. If it’s used to love and to protect, it’s good. Unfortunately, it can also be used to inflict harm, and that’s not consistent with what we see of God’s character in the Bible. He calls us to fight for what’s right. And a warrior is […] Impossible Situations? He is the Lord of Possibilities http://faithgateway.com/impossible-situations-he-is-the-lord-of-possibilities/ 2013-10-04T14:53:02-05:00 Mr. Football: Johnny U During the 1950s & 1960s, there was one name that became synonymous with football — Johnny Unitas. During these great growth years of the NFL, Unitas helped carry the sport to the forefront. His work ethic and passion for the game provided his teammates with great inspiration. Unitas was a self-made man […] God’s Strength in the Face of Temptation http://faithgateway.com/gods-strength-in-the-face-of-temptation/ 2013-10-04T14:50:33-05:00 All praise to You, Lord, for Your victory over sin and death . . . and for keeping us strong while we wait for Jesus’ triumphant return. It’s always a good strategy to know one’s enemy. We’ve seen, for instance, that Satan is quite a wise, scheming, and skilled marksman. The Deceiver is also very […] Bible Verses about Strength: 12 Scriptures http://faithgateway.com/bible-verses-about-strength-12-scripture-quotes/ 2013-10-04T14:44:36-05:00 Say the word strength, and immediately one thinks of diet plans, workout routines, and trips to the gym. The word reminds us of the workout clothes we bought last year, with good intentions, but never wore. To be physically strong and fit is a fine goal, but there is a greater strength that is even […] Bible Verses About Faith http://faithgateway.com/bible-verses-about-faith/ 2013-10-04T14:44:23-05:00 Before we observe Bible verses about faith, take some time to reflect on the following questions, or discuss them in your Bible Study group: Are there faith essentials, things in which we must have faith? How much faith is enough faith? Do I have enough faith? Faith Essentials Isaiah 7 contains a key pivotal passage […] Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Unflappable - #5584 http://hutchcraft.com/A-Word-With-You/Your-Personal-Power/Unflappable-5584 2008-07-21T14:31:23-05:00 The problem is that a lot of us are instinctive, addicted wing-flappers! I'm one. I can get it done if I make a good plan, motivate the right people, work enough hours, sacrifice enough sleep, have enough control. Listen to those wings flapping wildly in the wind! I'm flying as high and as long as my resources can carry me. For too many years I settled for that altitude and the stress of trying to make things happen myself.