Gospel.com Topics Feed - Fund Raising 2008-05-06T17:59:09-05:00 GCI info@gospel.com /feeds/topics/fund+raising/ Lausanne World Pulse - The 417 Project and Missionary Support http://lausanneworldpulse.com/perspectives.php/290/04-2006 2008-05-06T17:59:09-05:00 One missionary uses his abilities as a web programmer to develop a website which helps missionaries raise support. A Sample Fundraising Letter You Can Copy | UrbanMinistry.org: Urban ministry sermons, MP3s http://urbanministry.org/wiki/sample-fundraising-letter-you-can-copy 2007-10-31T18:50:16-05:00 Sample fundraising letter template which was used to raise money for church technology upgrade from foundations, trusts, and grant making bodies. Encyclopedia of Grant Writing and Fund Raising | UrbanMinistry.org: Urban ministry sermons http://urbanministry.org/wiki/encyclopedia-grant-writing-and-fund-raising 2007-10-31T18:06:35-05:00 Contains how-to guides, templates, and fast research fact sheets for grant writing, as well as resources on fund raising and partnerships between government and faith-based organizations. Users can share what has helped their nonprofit build capacity. Thousands of Urban ministry sermons, MP3s, social networking, grants, podcasts & workshops http://urbanministry.org/ 2007-10-29T10:04:01-05:00 Portal with resources for urban ministry, social justice & serving the poor including encyclopedia wikis of volunteer management, fund raising, youth ministry, community technology addiction recovery. Partners include Salvation Army, CCDA, AGRM, HLIC (Campus Crusade), FASTEN & World Vision