Gospel.com Topics Feed - Galatians 5 2009-05-12T16:23:40-05:00 GCI info@gospel.com /feeds/topics/galatians+5/ Fruit of the Spirit is Love http://discipleshiptools.org/apps/articles/default.asp?articleid=36685&columnid=4166 2009-05-12T16:23:40-05:00 Is the Character of Love in you? Here is how you can find out. Take a careful look at this character and fruit of love from God’s most precious Word by examining the passages below. Now ask yourself: 1.How do I exhibit Love in my daily life? 2.What can I do to develop a more loving attitude? 3.What blocks love from being expressed in me? 4.How can I make love function better, stronger, and faster, even in times of uncertainty and stress?