Gospel.com Topics Feed - Good Works 2010-08-23T13:51:36-05:00 GCI info@gospel.com /feeds/topics/good+works/ Spanish Tract Evangelism http://litmin.org/store/products.php?catid=6&do=list 2010-08-23T13:51:36-05:00 Clear Spanish explanation of the gospel of God's free grace to people with a Catholic (works) background. Addressing Religion and Good Works for Salvation http://litmin.org/store/products.php?catid=2&do=list 2010-08-23T13:42:34-05:00 Clear explanations of salvation by God's grace through faith alone in Christ alone. Written for Catholics and other religious folks who hope that their good works and/or good character will earn them a place in heaven. "If We Never Meet Again" http://litmin.org/store/products.php?prodid=1014&do=list 2010-08-23T12:52:57-05:00 An exceptional tract for those who want a clear gospel presentation even for brief encounters and busy lifestyles. Great for (good) tipping, commuting, toll paying, travel, paying bills, and your daily routine! "Are You Right With God?" http://litmin.org/store/products.php?prodid=1013&do=list 2010-08-23T12:43:30-05:00 How to know you're accepted by God and assured of forgiveness and eternal life. Scriptural teachings on six vital topics are compared with Catholic teachings. Eight pages, by Richard Bennett, formerly a Catholic priest for 22 years. "Lo que todo Catolico debe saber" Spanish version of "What Every Catholic Should Know" http://litmin.org/store/products.php?prodid=1008&do=list 2010-08-23T11:56:51-05:00 Having spent over 20 years as a Catholic priest before being born again, Richard Bennett uses God's Holy Word to explain to Catholic readers how to know they have eternal life by faith alone in Christ's death for them. Six pages in full color. Should Christians work alongside other religions toward common goals? http://gospel.com/blog/index.php/2009/10/27/should-christians-work-alongside-other-religions-toward-common-goals/ 2009-10-28T10:48:41-05:00 If Christianity, Islam, and many other religions call for their followers to help the poor or do good works within society, does it make sense for Christians to team up with followers of other religions to perform those good works? Is it possible (or a good idea) to jointly pursue such common purposes even if you have very different theological goals? Reward in the Bible: Hebrews 11:6 http://biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Hebrews%2011:6&version=NIV 2009-10-02T09:57:41-05:00 God rewards those who serve Him--but those rewards are not always obvious or immediate, at least from a human perspective. We're called to have faith that our service to God is both worthwhile and noticed by Him. We should please Him. Doer - a Christian perspective http://biblegateway.com/passage/?search=James%201:22&version=KJV 2009-09-27T19:57:42-05:00 It's not enough just to listen to, or even memorize, Scripture. What's important is that we actually do what it says, and become "doers" of the Word. Faith and works in the Bible - a Christian perspective http://biblegateway.com/passage/?search=James%202:14-26&version=NIV 2009-09-20T19:56:59-05:00 This passage describes the relationship between faith and good works. Good works aren't enough to save us, but it's impossible to imagine somebody who truly has faith in Christ who does not perform good works. God's Gerbils - #5784 http://hutchcraft.com/a-word-with-you/your-mission/gods-gerbils-5784 2009-09-10T10:48:33-05:00 Basically, there are three reasons people do Christian things: duty, recognition, or love. And the first two don't count. Maybe you've been busy for God mostly out of a sense of duty. That's why you're easily frustrated, often depleted, and way too stressed. It's a spiritual gerbil wheel, isn't it? You're Martha, fulfilling all your responsibilities, but you're neglecting your relationship with Jesus. And the relationship matters way more to Jesus than the responsibilities.