Gospel.com Topics Feed - Helpless 2010-12-27T11:30:16-05:00 GCI info@gospel.com /feeds/topics/helpless/ The Radical Christmas Victory Plan - #6249 http://hutchcraft.com/a-word-with-you/your-hard-times/the-radical-christmas-victory-plan-6249 2010-12-27T11:30:16-05:00 He chooses unlikely candidates and does mighty things through them - which means your inadequacy and ordinariness may be exactly what qualifies you to be a spiritual hero. According to Jesus, who is it that will "inherit the earth?" The mighty? No - the meek (Matthew 5:3). Helpless in the Bible - a Christian perspective http://biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Matthew%209:35-36&version=NIV 2009-09-02T11:35:25-05:00 Jesus' compassion underlined everything he did. Here, while he was traveling around Israel preaching, he is moved by the helplessness of the harassed and oppressed people who gather to hear him. Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Feeling Helpless - #8101 http://hutchcraft.com/A-Life-That-Matters/Radio-Program/Feeling-Helpless-8101 2008-10-03T10:07:17-05:00 A lot of things are out of our control. They always have been. Actually, we only think we’re in control any time. We don’t run this universe. We don’t even decide if we take another breath, but things are never out of God’s control. Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Hurting and Helpless - #8105 http://hutchcraft.com/A-Life-That-Matters/Radio-Program/Hurting-and-Helpless-8105 2008-10-03T10:00:27-05:00 I got to thinking of times when I’ve been hurting and it was getting darker and I couldn’t help myself and a life that matters seemed like mission impossible. All I could do was yell, “Help!” and without exception God has come when I did. Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - The Radical Christmas Victory Plan - #4421 http://hutchcraft.com/A-Word-With-You/Your-Most-Important-Relationship/The-Radical-Christmas-Victory-Plan-4421 2008-09-11T16:51:27-05:00 Now try to get your mind around this: the helpless hands of that little Jewish baby Mary was holding in the manger were the hands that created the galaxies! The Son of God, the second Person of the Godhead, the One of whom the Bible says, "Through Him all things were made" (John 1:3) - comes to our planet in a helpless little package that basically can do nothing for Himself. Omnipotence becomes helplessness to rescue a world full of dying people. As one song says, "What a strange way to save the world."