Gospel.com Topics Feed - Hopelifter: Creative Ways To Spread Hope When Life Hurts 2013-10-04T14:51:53-05:00 GCI info@gospel.com /feeds/topics/hopelifter%3A+creative+ways+to+spread+hope+when+life+hurts/ Hope During Unemployment http://faithgateway.com/hope-during-unemployment/ 2013-10-04T14:51:53-05:00 I lost my job! I was jolted by my husband’s words. Later that morning when he arrived home, I hugged him, then listened to him share the details of this unexpected happening. His position was eliminated due to budget cuts in defense spending. I encouraged him to take time to grieve the loss of his job. Over the […] Depression: The Lord is Close to the Brokenhearted http://faithgateway.com/depression-the-lord-is-close-to-the-brokenhearted/ 2013-10-04T14:46:19-05:00 As a principal of a small Christian school, one phenomenon I saw from time to time was “cutting.” Students would cut themselves, not deeply enough to do permanent damage but enough to inflict pain and leave scars. I wondered why students would “cut,” and no amount of discussion would help me understand. Until I experienced depression. A few […]