Gospel.com Topics Feed - How To Get To Heaven 2013-10-25T06:00:03-05:00 GCI info@gospel.com /feeds/topics/how+to+get+to+heaven/ Can We Be Sure We Are Going To Heaven? http://faithgateway.com/can-we-be-sure-we-are-going-to-heaven/ 2013-10-25T06:00:03-05:00 When I die, I want to go to Heaven, but how do I know if I will end up in Heaven? The question of Heaven, and what it takes to get there is on the mind of many believers. Can I know… How can I be sure…But what if I…? Can we be sure we are […] Born Again http://biblica.com/bible/word/index.php?word_request=born+again&selected_version_word=tniv&match_type=phrase&limit_select=span&limit_testament=0&start_book=0&end_book=0&limit=10&sortby=bookorder 2008-07-01T10:20:40-05:00 What does the Bible say about being born again? Search the Bible and find out.