Gospel.com Topics Feed - Hungarian 2009-04-20T13:45:11-05:00 GCI info@gospel.com /feeds/topics/hungarian/ Hungarian God Tests Abrahams Love http://bibleforchildren.org/PDFs/hungarian/God%20Tests%20Abrahams%20Love%20Hungarian.pdf 2009-04-20T13:45:11-05:00 Hungarian: God asks Abraham to take Isaac his only son, & offer him as a sacrifice. Abraham takes Isaac to a mountain & prepares to obey God. God provides a lamb instead, knowing that Abraham loves Him above all else. Abraham's servant looks for a wife for Isaac & God helps him bring back Rebekah. Hungarian Gods Promise to Abraham http://bibleforchildren.org/PDFs/hungarian/Gods%20Promise%20to%20Abraham%20Hungarian.pdf 2009-04-20T13:44:17-05:00 Hungarian: After the Flood people started building a tower to Heaven. God changed their language from 1 to many. They left the Tower of Babel. God told Abraham to leave Ur. He took his wife Sarah and nephew Lot. God destroyed Sodom for its wickedness. Lot fled but his wife became a pillar of salt. Hungarian The First Easter http://bibleforchildren.org/PDFs/hungarian/The%20First%20Easter%20Hungarian.pdf 2008-05-21T12:02:41-05:00 Hungarian: Jesus eats the Passover, the last supper with His disciples. Judas betrays Him for 30 pieces of silver. The priests arrest Him in the Garden of Gethsemane. He is judged by Annas, Herod & Pilate. Peter denies Him. He is crucified on a cross but resurrects in 3 days & returns to heaven.