Gospel.com Topics Feed - Impatience 2012-10-04T10:03:06-05:00 GCI info@gospel.com /feeds/topics/impatience/ Get There-itis - #6714 http://hutchcraft.com/a-word-with-you/your-hindrances/get-there-itis-6714 2012-10-04T10:03:06-05:00 I like Warren Wiersbe's definition of faith. He said, "Faith is the absence of scheming." Are you about to make something happen where you should be waiting for it to happen? The time isn't right yet even though it seems late to you. You're about to pull a Hagar; a tragic hurry-up of God's plans. Cleared For Takeoff - #6608 http://hutchcraft.com/a-word-with-you/your-relationships/cleared-for-takeoff-6608 2012-05-15T10:08:29-05:00 Avoid the heartache that comes from taking off without clearance from the flight controller of your life. If You Rush It, You Ruin It - #6549 http://hutchcraft.com/a-word-with-you/your-personal-power/if-you-rush-it-you-ruin-it-6549 2012-02-17T11:02:47-05:00 Make it a goal to not find your fingerprints on your future. Only one set of prints - God's. See, your involvement could well become interference. Would you let God finish His masterpiece in His time? For He promises in Ecclesiastes, "He makes everything beautiful in it's time." Impatience can, as young cooks often learn, ruin the final result. The Rewards of Not Moving - #6497 http://hutchcraft.com/a-word-with-you/your-hard-times/the-rewards-of-not-moving-6497 2011-12-06T13:17:28-05:00 Most importantly, follow Christ patiently, doggedly, stubbornly every day for a lifetime. Even when you can't feel anything, when you can't hear His voice, it is the loyal followers of Christ who see Him as nobody else does. The Greatest Enemy of the Best - #6396 http://hutchcraft.com/a-word-with-you/your-hard-times/the-greatest-enemy-of-the-best-6396 2011-08-08T11:43:50-05:00 We all have a hard time waiting for God to deliver what He promised. So we try to help Him. So, what's the greatest enemy of God's best? Impatience. We are the microwave generation. We get 30-second solutions to every problem in commercials. We like fast food. We want God's provision, but we want it now. How to Prove You're a Man - #6324 http://hutchcraft.com/a-word-with-you/your-personal-power/how-to-prove-you-re-a-man-6324 2011-04-07T13:23:53-05:00 If you're a woman, encourage self-control in the men you know. And if you're a man, understand one of the most important muscles you have to develop - the spiritual muscles that give you control over your temper, your passions, your mouth, your impatience. Self-control - that's how you prove you're a man. The Reason For the Wait - #6236 http://hutchcraft.com/a-word-with-you/your-hard-times/the-reason-for-the-wait-6236 2010-12-06T11:31:16-05:00 You've been waiting for God to come through. You want to be married. You're waiting for Him to answer your prayer about having a child, raising a child. You're waiting for that job, that heart change, that breakthrough, that answer, and it hasn't come yet. Don't panic. Don't let impatience cost you the perfect will of God. Premature babies aren't as healthy as ones that are full-term. Premature solutions aren't healthy either. Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Why You're Waiting So Long - #4378 http://hutchcraft.com/A-Word-With-You/Your-Most-Important-Relationship/Why-You-re-Waiting-So-Long-4378 2008-08-27T15:44:18-05:00 OK, here's my guess. Your Heavenly Father is working on something for you that you're going to love, but you're having to wait for it. And it's a long wait. And it's driving you crazy. In fact, you may be starting to panic and considering doing it your way instead of waiting for God to do it His way and in His time. There are millions of His children, living right now with the consequences of their impatience, wishing for all the world that they had waited for God's answer. Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Flying into the Fog - #5363 http://hutchcraft.com/A-Word-With-You/Your-Most-Important-Relationship/Flying-into-the-Fog-5363 2008-07-29T15:37:28-05:00 Bottom line: His way, His time works. My bright idea, my time doesn't work, and it happens for one major reason. We just can't wait any longer for God to do it. Basilea Schlink : Impatience http://sermonindex.net/modules/articles/index.php?view=article&aid=845 2008-01-08T16:48:34-05:00 Patience is listed among the fruits of the Spirit in the Holy Scriptures (Gal. 5: 22). So impatience is a fruit of the flesh, a sin, and we cannot excuse it by saying it belongs to our personality. Rather we must make a great effort to change from an impatient person into a patient one...