Gospel.com Topics Feed - In Depth Bible Teaching 2007-09-25T00:51:26-05:00 GCI info@gospel.com /feeds/topics/in+depth+bible+teaching/ Topical Bible Studies http://intothyword.org/pages.asp?pageid=56860 2007-09-25T00:51:26-05:00 Biblical curriculums to help us in knowing and applying the Christian Faith The Book of Peter http://intothyword.org/pages.asp?pageid=56854 2007-09-24T23:59:23-05:00 Along comes Peter—the Apostle of Hope! First Peter is a letter about the hope we have in Christ, regardless of what we experience or face. He gives us the ultimate weapon to fight discouragement—the ultimate hope that what we face and go through is temporary. Peter is telling us that Jesus offers Hi Gospel of Romans http://intothyword.org/pages.asp?pageid=56852 2007-09-24T23:49:31-05:00 Romans is more of a treatise than a letter, as it is Paul's greatest work. Not only is this our theology defined, but it is one of the greatest, if not the greatest piece of literature ever conceived! Unpacking Romans is like removing the cover of an old box spring mattress. Matthew http://intothyword.org/pages.asp?pageid=56851 2007-09-24T20:33:09-05:00 The Gospel According to Matthew. This Bible Study series is designed to be insightful and comprehensive for you to use for personal devotions, small group curriculum as well as teaching material for large Bible study fellowships. These Bible studies can even be used as a primary source for sermons.