Gospel.com Topics Feed - Information 2011-05-13T10:35:59-05:00 GCI info@gospel.com /feeds/topics/information/ On a Need-to-Know Basis - #6350 http://hutchcraft.com/a-word-with-you/your-mission/on-a-need-to-know-basis-6350 2011-05-13T10:35:59-05:00 I like the old hymn that says, "We cannot see what lies before, and so we cling to Him the more." Maybe you're frustrated because you want to know the future now. But maybe you're not ready for all of that yet. Let's focus on today - God's leading for this 24 hours. His macro will for your life is made up of a thousand micro wills - a day at a time. So you stay on the path that leads to God's ultimate best; the day at a time path. Why people go online. Valuable interactive piechart and stats from Ruder Finn research http://internetevangelismday.com/blog/archives/1055 2010-08-09T16:20:52-05:00 Public relations and communiciations consultancy group Ruder Finn offers some revealing and valuable figures under the heading Intent is the New Demographic. This is displayed using an interactive pie-chart. By default, this opens as a simplified summary with the option to click on different demographic groups: Men, Women, Youth, Seniors, or All. Click on the ‘full index’ link on that page, and you get a more complex piechart with subdivisions, but which (as far as I understand) represents the ‘All’ percentages broken into subdivision categories. Present information visually - a key to effective biblical communication http://internetevangelismday.com/blog/archives/2148 2010-08-04T17:55:57-05:00 “The soul never thinks without a picture” – Aristotle. In other words, most of us find it very hard to understand abstract truth unless it is presented to us as a picture. In the street, or on our computer desktops, we look for the logo of the product we seek, be it a SubWay sandwich or a computer program, rather than the written equivalent.