Gospel.com Topics Feed - Inner City Ministry 2007-10-04T07:51:56-05:00 GCI info@gospel.com /feeds/topics/inner+city+ministry/ TastyFaith - Creating a Craving for Christ http://ymexchange.com/Resource-Reviews/TastyFaith-Creating-a-Craving-for-Christ.html 2007-10-04T07:51:56-05:00 MaryBeth McCandless interviews Ginger Sinsabaugh MacDonald. Ginger created TastyFaith resources "to help urban youth leaders create a craving for Christ with high-risk and disadvantaged city youth." Doing Missions Doggie Style http://ymexchange.com/Youth-Ministry-Articles/Doing-Missions-Doggie-Style.html 2007-09-30T20:43:35-05:00 Sometimes, mission trips are focused on painting walls that they miss the opportunity to tear one down—that being the wall that separates city from urban youth. That invisible partition that creates racial barriers and feeds stereotypes.