Gospel.com Topics Feed - Jesus 2014-12-17T12:01:42-05:00 GCI info@gospel.com /feeds/topics/jesus/ A redemptive Christmas spider story from Germany and Ukraine http://internetevangelismday.com/blog/archives/12683 2014-12-17T12:01:42-05:00 Out in a small town the other day, I stumbled upon a one-day Christmas market, and some hand-crafted glass jewelry caught my eye. Or, more specifically, beautiful hand-made spiders about 3 inches/8cms high, sitting over the other jewelry on display. Real-time webstats ticker,and video shorts to share the good news http://internetevangelismday.com/blog/archives/12421 2014-06-05T15:06:42-05:00 I always find these sorts of real-time ticking web-stats quite fascinating. Each represents a real person doing something right now! This is the medium that is on our desk, or in our pocket 24/7! It is the medium that will allow us to share good-news video shorts on social media at the touch of a button. Free video shorts that correct myths about New Testament http://internetevangelismday.com/blog/archives/12368 2014-05-20T15:13:47-05:00 "But everyone knows that the New Testament was [insert common myth here]." There are so many misapprehensions floating around the Web and modern culture, we need to have good accessible and authoritative refutations available. Help is at hand. God: New Evidence has launched a new series of video shorts called Jesus Myths. Also curated on their YouTube channel, it is the work of moments to embed into a blog or website, post to Facebook, Twitter or Pinterest, or download to project in a meeting. You can also discuss the videos on the God: New Evidence Facebook page. Heaven and Earth Rejoice http://faithgateway.com/heaven-earth-rejoice/ 2013-12-19T06:00:03-05:00 Imagine the scene in Bethlehem. It was the night of nights, and yet it had begun as every other night had before it. In Bethlehem’s houses mothers lay their children down to sleep. In the courtyards of the inn some camels lay down to rest. In the fields the sheep lay down while the shepherds sat near their fires. In the heavens […] 3 More Bible Studies on Jesus http://faithgateway.com/3-more-bible-studies-on-jesus/ 2013-12-18T06:00:05-05:00 Earlier I wrote about three great Bible studies on Jesus, but since then I’ve discovered 3 more wonderful studies on Jesus that I just had to recommend to you. Why so many studies about Jesus? Jesus is the hero of the Story. He is the what the Bible is all about and what we should be […] The North Pole or the Manger? http://faithgateway.com/north-pole-or-manger/ 2013-12-18T06:00:04-05:00 Some call him Sinterklaas. Others Pere Noel or Papa Noel. He’s been known as Hoteiosho, Sonnerklaas, Father Christmas, Jelly Belly, and to most English speakers, Santa Claus. His original name was Nicholas, which means victorious. He was born in AD 280 in what is now Turkey. He was orphaned at age nine when his parents died of a plague. Though many […] Jesus — Completely Human, Completely Divine http://faithgateway.com/jesus-completely-human-completely-divine/ 2013-12-15T06:00:03-05:00 She will bring forth a son, and you shall call His name Jesus, for He will save His people from their sins. Jesus In the four gospels of the New Testament, it’s His most common name — used almost six hundred times. And a common name it was. Jesus is the Greek form of Joshua, Jeshua, and Jehoshua — […] Joseph’s Prayer http://faithgateway.com/josephs-prayer/ 2013-12-13T06:00:05-05:00 Joseph… did what the Lord’s angel had told him to do. — Matthew 1:24 The white space between Bible verses is fertile soil for questions. One can hardly read Scripture without whispering, “I wonder…” “I wonder if Eve ever ate any more fruit.” “I wonder if Noah slept well during storms.” “I wonder if Jonah liked fish or if Jeremiah […] Simeon: Watching and Waiting http://faithgateway.com/simeon-watching-waiting/ 2013-12-11T06:00:04-05:00 Now in Jerusalem there was a man named Simeon. He was an upright and devout man; he looked forward to Israel’s comforting and the Holy Spirit rested on him. — Luke 2:25 Let’s imagine a white-headed, wizened fellow working his way down the streets of Jerusalem. People in the market call his name, and he waves but doesn’t […] That First Christmas http://faithgateway.com/that-first-christmas/ 2013-12-09T06:00:04-05:00 So [the shepherds] hurried off and found Mary and Joseph, and the baby, who was lying in the manger. — Luke 2:16 It would have been logical to expect God to tear open the Heavens and descend to Earth in majesty and power on that first Christmas night — but He didn’t. Instead, on that quiet night in Bethlehem, […]