Gospel.com Topics Feed - Language 2015-03-18T15:39:30-05:00 GCI info@gospel.com /feeds/topics/language/ Need for easy English in international Christian communication http://internetevangelismday.com/blog/archives/11463 2015-03-18T15:39:30-05:00 Over 20% of the world’s population can speak English to some degree. And since English is the language of the Internet, much higher education, and the majority of websites, there is a big incentive for young people in every nation to learn it. With only about 360 million people as first-language speakers, 75% of the 1.5 million are using it as a second language. Of course, in an ideal world, there would be adequate Christian resources, online and offline, in the heart language of everyone. But failing that, we should be making our evangelistic and discipleship resources as accessible as possible to all second-language English speakers. How? Say It In My Language - #6828 http://hutchcraft.com/a-word-with-you/your-mission/say-it-in-my-language-6828 2013-03-13T10:25:17-05:00 When a missionary goes to the mission field, they don't just transmit the Gospel, they translate the Gospel. That's why they go to language school before they go to the mission field. We need to translate the message. This is information upon which their eternity depends. Church Talk - #6191 http://hutchcraft.com/a-word-with-you/your-mission/church-talk-6191 2010-10-04T09:33:28-05:00 We've got to ask God to help us get beyond our "Christianese" and to begin to explain the great words of God's rescue in non-religious words. Globalize your website - help second-language speakers to understand your writing http://internetevangelismday.com/blog/archives/296 2010-08-08T17:38:49-05:00 If you receive comprehensive stats for your English language website, note how many visitors are not from your own country (or another English-speaking one), and are therefore probably second-language English speakers. You can help them greatly if you take steps to simplify your language. This also helps first language speakers, because it speeds up their reading and makes meanings clearer. A win-win situation! Eye-tracking research shows that people tend not to read an entire webpage, but quickly scan it for the main information they are looking for. Teaching English online as a connection for sharing the gospel http://internetevangelismday.com/blog/archives/date/2009/02 2010-08-08T17:08:47-05:00 It is said that the biggest single factor in Japanese coming to faith, has been taking English-learning classes run by Christians. There are various secular language-teaching systems that allow you to sign up as a mentor to help a learner. This is certainly an option for sensitive redemptive relationship-building. LiveMocha.com appears to enable such help. Other similar systems are listed on our Japan page, which also lnks to a Mission Network News story of such ministry in Taiwan. Keys to preaching effective sermons and biblical evangelism: neutral language that audience understands best http://internetevangelismday.com/preaching-effective-sermons.php 2010-08-07T18:44:26-05:00 When you seek to communicate the message of Jesus to those outside the faith, do you ever feel like you’re not getting through? There can be many reasons for this, including their own resistance, spiritual blindness, spiritual warfare, ego, personal pain, anger with God, disappointment with God or Christians, etc. But a major reason might be that you just aren’t speaking their language. Parallel meanings, picture language and spiritual symbolism can communicate Christian truth http://internetevangelismday.com/word-pictures.php 2010-08-07T18:28:27-05:00 Every abstract concept must be turned into picture language if we are to understand it. Language is full of these metaphors and similes. Memory techniques create a set of memorable mind pictures for the same reason. The Bible uses this type of language constantly, or describes physical events which have spiritual meaning. The Wrong Person's in Front - #6048 http://hutchcraft.com/a-word-with-you/your-personal-power/the-wrong-person-s-in-front-6048 2010-03-17T12:36:19-05:00 The word "sin" and the word "pride" have that same middle letter, don't they - "I." Pride cost Lucifer his place in heaven. Pride is always expensive. God won't tolerate it. He hates pride and self-promotion. There's only one Name we should be drawing attention to. It is the name of Jesus. There's only one Star in God's constellation, and His name is Jesus. And there's only one kingdom to be building with our time and our money, and it's the kingdom of Jesus. Speaking with grace and gentleness… about politics? http://gospel.com/blog/index.php/2010/02/17/todays-devotional-speaking-with-grace-and-gentleness-about-politics/ 2010-02-18T16:54:39-05:00 Does the way you talk about politics reflect the grace, patience, and humility of Jesus Christ? Sharp Edges - #5963 http://hutchcraft.com/a-word-with-you/your-relationships/sharp-edges-5963 2009-11-20T09:33:36-05:00 Gentle treatment of people - especially when we're feeling tired, or tense, or frustrated - doesn't necessarily come naturally. God describes it as a "fruit of the Spirit." It's a characteristic Jesus has that He can produce in you through His Holy Spirit who lives in you. But you have to reach the point where, first of all, you're willing to see those sharp edges that you have and repent of them as part of the sinful old you that's all dark and ugly.