Gospel.com Topics Feed - Leprosy 2009-10-02T15:27:57-05:00 GCI info@gospel.com /feeds/topics/leprosy/ Gehazi in the Bible - a Christian perspective http://biblegateway.com/passage/?search=2%20Kings%205:20-27&version=NIV 2009-10-02T15:27:57-05:00 Gehazi was a servant of Elisha. One time, Elisha helped a man named Naaman get healed of his leprosy. Elisha wouldn't accept any payment from Naaman and sent him on his way. Gehazi thought his master should have received something from the man so took it upon himself to catch up to Naaman and ask for a few talents and some clothes. When Gehazi returned Elisha knew what he had done and Gehazi was struck with the leprosy that Naaman had rid himself of. Miriam in the Bible: Numbers 12:1-16 http://biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Numbers%2012:1-16&version=NIV 2009-09-25T09:25:40-05:00 Miriam joins with her brother Aaron in this story to oppose Moses over his Cushite wife. After a confrontation, Miriam is punished with leprosy--but at Moses' request, God heals her after a week-long exile from the Israelite camp. Ten Lepers - a Christian perspective http://biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Luke%2017:12-19&version=NIV 2009-09-03T17:47:03-05:00 Once, ten lepers called out to Jesus for him to heal them. He told them to go to the priests to be cleansed. They did, but only one of them came back. Jesus asked where the other nine of the ten lepers were and said that it was the one's faith that healed him. Naaman - a Christian perspective http://biblegateway.com/passage/?search=2%20Kings%205:1-27&version=NIV 2009-08-07T11:25:52-05:00 The interesting story of the healing of Naaman, a foreign general who learned that he had to humble himself to receive the healing he sought. Leprosy - a Christian perspective http://biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Matthew%208:1-4&version=NIV 2009-08-06T23:15:45-05:00 Leprosy was a terrible, disfiguring disease that drove its victims out of their communities. Here, Jesus meets with and cures a leper, allowing him to re-enter society. Leper - a Christian perspective http://biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Luke%2017:11-19&version=NIV 2009-08-06T21:37:30-05:00 Leprosy was a terrible disease in Biblical times, and forced its victims out of their communities. Here, Jesus heals a group of lepers--but only one of them returns to thank him for taking mercy on them. Russian Elisha Man of Miracles http://bibleforchildren.org/PDFs/russian/Elisha%20Man%20of%20Miracles%20Russian.pdf 2009-06-01T14:35:35-05:00 Russian: Elisha asks for power like Elijah, and God grants it. He strikes the river and the waters part for him. He raises a young boy from the dead. He cures the leprosy of Naaman from Syria. After he died another dead person's body touched his and the dead man came alive. Estonian The Miracles of Jesus http://bibleforchildren.org/PDFs/estonian/The%20Miracles%20of%20Jesus%20Estonian.pdf 2009-05-25T13:01:15-05:00 Estonian: Jesus changes water into wine at a wedding, His first miracle. Then He heals Peter's mother-in-law. Jesus heals the lame, blind, crippled and those with leprosy. He forgives sins. He tells the waves to be still and they obey Him. Jesus proves with all the miracles that He is God. Hebrew Elisha Man of Miracles http://bibleforchildren.org/PDFs/hebrew/Elisha%20Man%20of%20Miracles%20Hebrew.pdf 2009-05-08T10:56:43-05:00 Hebrew: Elisha asks for power like Elijah, and God grants it. He strikes the river and the waters part for him. He raises a young boy from the dead. He cures the leprosy of Naaman from Syria. After he died another dead person's body touched his and the dead man came alive. Dutch The Miracles of Jesus http://bibleforchildren.org/PDFs/dutch/The%20Miracles%20of%20Jesus%20Dutch.pdf 2009-03-04T10:12:24-05:00 Dutch: Jesus changes water into wine at a wedding, His first miracle. Then He heals Peter's mother-in-law. Jesus heals the lame, blind, crippled and those with leprosy. He forgives sins. He tells the waves to be still and they obey Him. Jesus proves with all the miracles that He is God.