Gospel.com Topics Feed - Listen 2013-10-04T14:54:43-05:00 GCI info@gospel.com /feeds/topics/listen/ Listen for God’s Voice http://faithgateway.com/listen-for-gods-voice/ 2013-10-04T14:54:43-05:00 I love to read good Christian books. I enjoy attending events where I have the opportunity to hear speakers talk about their experiences with God or teach on a particular passage. But it’s not enough to know what someone else is learning from God, as encouraging as such times may be. I need to be […] Walking Too Fast to Talk - #6869 http://hutchcraft.com/a-word-with-you/your-relationships/walking-too-fast-to-talk-6869 2013-05-09T12:08:12-05:00 If you're married or if you're in love, the woman you love needs time to be heard. When a woman isn't heard, she starts to talk louder, and longer, and more often. And she nags because she's not been heard. That time with her needs to be a deliberate choice you make, a sacrificial choice, "I'm all yours, Honey, and I'm yours for a while." That kind of love will create a home that is a caring place, safe place for the man who lives there. Intimate Messages - #6656 http://hutchcraft.com/a-word-with-you/your-most-important-relationship/intimate-messages-6656 2012-07-18T11:22:39-05:00 That song we learned as kids didn't say, "Jesus loves us," though that's true. It's so right because it says, "Jesus loves me. This I know." Engaging with your nation's soul & spiritual questions http://internetevangelismday.com/blog/archives/8183 2012-05-16T09:47:44-05:00 When people are seeking spiritual answers, why would we not try to listen to them and start engaging in the terms and language they are using, rather than defaulting to some standardized formulaic gospel presentation? Running On Empty - #6578 http://hutchcraft.com/a-word-with-you/your-hindrances/running-on-empty-6578 2012-03-28T14:31:37-05:00 Could it be you've gotten so caught up in running for Jesus that you're running on empty? Stop for a fill-up every morning. You'll enjoy the drive a lot more. Oh, and the people who ride with you; they'll enjoy you a lot more. Jumping Before You've Heard It All - #6482 http://hutchcraft.com/a-word-with-you/your-personal-power/jumping-before-you-ve-heard-it-all-6482 2011-11-15T11:41:15-05:00 How are you perceived by your mate, your children, your parents, your friends when it comes to listening? Maybe someone has basically stopped trying. But tell them you want another chance. It takes patience; it takes self-control to listen; not just to a person's words, but to their heart. It is, according to the Word of God, foolish not to listen before you speak. Tired But Still Ticking - #6452 http://hutchcraft.com/a-word-with-you/your-hard-times/tired-but-still-ticking-6452 2011-10-04T15:17:18-05:00 When a weary fisherman listened to Jesus in his weariest moments, he enjoyed a wonderful catch. He saw a miracle! Obey the Lord. Give, in those moments when you feel like giving out, and you will receive a surprise in return. Christ can enable you each day to be tired but still ticking. I Know That Voice - #6280 http://hutchcraft.com/a-word-with-you/your-mission/i-know-that-voice-6280 2011-03-11T16:27:12-05:00 You begin your day by getting used to His voice before you hear any others. Then, when you're getting six voices at once, you'll know your Shepherd's direction from all the rest. You'll sense the call - the tug of Jesus that you heard just this morning, and that you've heard so often. And you'll say, "I know that voice." Play-Doh People - #6289 http://hutchcraft.com/a-word-with-you/your-hindrances/play-doh-people-6289 2011-03-11T16:16:49-05:00 Oh, it's easy to be seduced by a world where sin is what's normal. Don't let the world squeeze you. Decide that you will be shaped by Jesus. And then become the mold who shapes other people. Play-Doh people are forever changing shape. Communication so they keep listening. Keep your audience interested. http://internetevangelismday.com/blog/archives/341 2010-08-08T17:35:15-05:00 Few people can maintain concentration beyond 20 minutes, when listening to a one-way monologue talk, as Speaker Confessions explains. A recent BBC TV program on rhetoric claimed that Dr Billy Graham rarely spoke for more than 20 minutes, and always used jargon-free simple language. The long talk is not the way we teach kids. No more should it be for adults. One interesting educational development in recent years has been the formulation of adult learning principles. It’s not ‘we talk, you listen’ any more. And surprise surprise, we see here many elements of communication which are clearly demonstrated in the Bible, and also reflect biblical principles of behavior and respect, inter-personal relationships, and an understanding of the individual worth of any person.