Gospel.com Topics Feed - Magazine 2010-08-11T09:14:15-05:00 GCI info@gospel.com /feeds/topics/magazine/ Media contacts for interview and press releases with news of Internet Evangelism Day http://internetevangelismday.com/publicity.php 2010-08-11T09:14:15-05:00 We offer below a range of news items and short articles which can be adapted and edited for any Christian magazine, church bulletin, email newsletter or the religion section of a secular newspaper. Free articles for church newsletters, print and email magazines http://internetevangelismday.com/blog/archives/621 2010-08-09T15:47:24-05:00 One of the great thing about the Web is the easy sharing of material to republish. Here are three useful sources of free articles for any editor (online or print) or blogger. Free Christian articles for printing in newspapers, magazines and periodicals, blogs or webpages http://internetevangelismday.com/free-articles.php 2010-08-08T15:58:35-05:00 We offer a range of articles and MP3s about web evangelism. In addition, you are also free to reproduce in print other pages from within this site in any print magazine. Christian writer housestyle guide to grammar, punctuation and writing style http://internetevangelismday.com/style.php?id=books 2010-08-07T16:33:53-05:00 This house-style guide was produced by a UK Christian printing ministry for writers of books and magazines and is used by permission. It also aims to be international in scope. The BBC offers a detailed style guide for Journalistic Writing in PDF format. Although some applies specifically to writing for radio, there is the same need for clarity and brevity as on the Web. Uplook Ministries - Home http://uplook.org/index.php 2008-12-17T12:40:17-05:00 Uplook's home page--the first stop for our gospel reports, Christian resources and information about Uplook Magazine. Remember, if the outlook is dark, try the uplook. Order Sports Spectrum and other items http://sportsspectrum.com/store/index.php 2008-10-08T12:30:35-05:00 Order Sports Spectrum for yourself or for someone else (maybe as a gift subscription?) who enjoys hearing about the good in sports rather than all the negative events that make headlines. Sports Spectrum chronicles the feats of Christians and details their daily walk and testimonies in every page. Page Two (p2) Magazine, Summer 2008 Edition [pdf] http://biblica.com/ministry/pagetwo/pdf/pagetwo_issue_06.pdf 2008-06-18T16:40:10-05:00 Life stories of people changed by God's Word. Evangelical Missions Quarterly - online http://emqonline.com/ 2008-02-04T16:08:33-05:00 EMQ explores key topics in world missions today. Our writers are veteran missionaries and mission leaders who bring years of experience to the table as they research, reflect and write on select issues. Horoscopes: To Read or Not to Read http://christiananswersforthenewage.org/Articles_Horoscope.html 2008-01-14T20:32:12-05:00 Have you ever glanced over at the horoscope column in a newspaper or magazine just for "fun" or out of curiosity? Do you even deliberately look for it each day? As you do so, maybe you say things like, "I don't take this seriously," "it's just like reading the funnies," ... Uplook Ministries - Current Uplook Magazine http://uplook.org/web/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=12&Itemid=71 2007-12-04T16:36:42-05:00 Current issues of Uplook Magazine from Uplook Ministries. Intended to bring helpful information, varied ministry, and encouragement to God's people, it continues to grow in its readership, many of these readers in Developing World countries.