Gospel.com Topics Feed - Magnificat 2009-07-16T16:59:46-05:00 GCI info@gospel.com /feeds/topics/magnificat/ Mary in the Bible: Luke 1:46-55 http://biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Luke%201:46-55&version=NIV 2009-07-16T16:59:46-05:00 When Mary first learned that she would be the one to give birth to the promised Messiah, her reaction was to burst out in a song of praise to God. Her prayer, known as the Magnificat, continues to be recited in Christian churches around the world today. 1: Mary, the Mother of Jesus (died 1st Century). | Christian History Institute http://chitorch.org/index.php/in-context/mary/ 2009-06-22T13:46:53-05:00 Christian History Institute's "In Context" provides the background of the Virgin Mary's famous quotation, "My soul does magnify the Lord," the opening words of her Magnificat. A Song of Christmas http://songsandhymns.org/music-worship/article/a-song-of-christmas 2008-02-16T17:51:23-05:00 An essay on "The Magnificat" or the Song of Mary. Simple, yet profound, they reflect a young life that understood the meaning of joy. What does Mary's song mean for us today?