Gospel.com Topics Feed - Meeting 2014-02-06T10:56:30-05:00 GCI info@gospel.com /feeds/topics/meeting/ Ever been on a conference call like this? Humor video http://internetevangelismday.com/blog/archives/12039?utm_source=twitterfeed&utm_medium=twitter 2014-02-06T10:56:30-05:00 You may well have experienced a phone conference call as chaotic and fruitless as the one in this humor sketch from Tripp and Tyler. It presents a face-to-face meeting as if it were telephone conference, with all the downsides present and correct. When Cranking isn't Enough - #6316 http://hutchcraft.com/a-word-with-you/your-personal-power/when-cranking-isn-t-enough-6316 2011-03-30T16:55:13-05:00 D. L. Moody said when he was asked the secret of his power, "For 50 years I have had access to the Throne of Grace." A person, or a situation, or a need that's beyond your reach. Well, don't keep trying to crank out a man-powered answer. Plug into the awesome generator of God's power. Free MP3 Christian music for evangelism challenge and missionary advocacy meetings http://internetevangelismday.com/music.php 2010-08-11T09:16:48-05:00 These songs are useful for missions or outreach-challenge meeting for Christians – these are not evangelistic songs to speak to not-yet-Christians, they emphasize to Christians the challenge of sharing the gospel. Whatever your personal taste in music, they are probably more likely to communicate to younger generations than certain traditional ‘missionary’ hymns written in the 19th century! They are free to use and distribute if not for profit, eg you can burn them all on to a CD – many modern CD players now handle MP3s. Projecting videos in a church service - give viewers a time frame http://internetevangelismday.com/blog/archives/799 2010-08-09T15:51:33-05:00 Stewart Redwine writes in Christian Video Magazine about an issue with short films being projected in a church meeting. “The problem with short films shown in a Church service is simply this; no one knows when the video will end.” They know that TV ads last 30 seconds, music videos 3-6 minutes, and TV programs 30 minutes. They have no frame of reference for engaging with a video short, unless we give them help. Internet Evangelism or computer conferences, seminars and other events relating to online web communication http://internetevangelismday.com/events.php 2010-08-08T16:30:03-05:00 Here are conferences and seminars that connect with the digital evangelism agenda. If you need someone to speak about web evangelism at your own seminar or conference anywhere in the world, we may be able to help. We have a panel of speakers who can speak to a wide range of subjects. We can also offer a video-conferencing seminar using Skype. Web has potential as medium for Christian communication and outreach http://internetevangelismday.com/medium.php 2010-08-08T15:59:36-05:00 The Internet has become a 21st century Roman road, marketplace, theater, backyard fence, and office drinks machine. Web evangelism gives believers opportunities to reach people with the Gospel right where they are, just as Jesus and Paul did. The Web is an open window to the whole world. "Together" in the Bible: Hebrews 10:25 http://biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Hebrews%2010:25&version=NIV 2009-09-04T12:23:32-05:00 The Christian church is meant to be a community of believers. We are most effective when we're surrounded by fellow believers to correct and encourage us. The apostle Paul here instructs Christians not to neglect the act of meeting up periodically for worship and fellowship.