Gospel.com Topics Feed - Missional 2014-05-08T11:18:00-05:00 GCI info@gospel.com /feeds/topics/missional/ Understanding media and evangelism - conversation with Phil Cooke http://internetevangelismday.com/blog/archives/12228 2014-05-08T11:18:00-05:00 Lots of challenging wisdom from Phil Cooke, author of Creative Christian Media, on creatives, media, culture, storytelling, film, evangelism and effective communication. Here are 18 minutes of high-value insights – do make the time to watch. Tom Wright unpacks biblical contextualization in Christian mission http://internetevangelismday.com/blog/archives/11330 2013-07-21T11:22:34-05:00 Theologian Tom Wright give some helpful explanations of biblical contextualization in this 10-minute video short. Short video from Igniter media explains significance of relationships http://internetevangelismday.com/blog/archives/10812 2013-06-23T12:36:41-05:00 This short fictional video from Igniter demonstrates how we are all links in a chain. Note that a key element in almost every conversion was a relationship with a Christian over a period of time. Any model of evangelism which does not integrate the significance of this is unlikely to prosper. Churches miss great opportunity for effective evangelism http://internetevangelismday.com/blog/archives/10834 2013-05-13T10:19:34-05:00 Tim Stevens' book 'Pop Goes the Church' makes an inspiring case for leveraging pop culture to reach out to people in the language of their lives, with compelling biblical backing for this approach. He offers a new perspective that give relevance and impact to the church by using popular culture – stories from movies and music – to point people to the gospel. Guide: use Pinterest to share the Christian good news in evangelism http://internetevangelismday.com/blog/archives/6977 2012-02-13T08:11:47-05:00 Pinterest is a name getting increasing recognition across the Web. No, it is not a fan page for the late British playwright Harold Pinter. Pinterest is the latest expression of social networking and sharing, and can be effectively used in evangelism. Christendom is over. Post-Christian evangelism: presentation by Alan Hirsch http://internetevangelismday.com/blog/archives/1508 2010-08-09T16:33:10-05:00 Perhaps the biggest challenge to the western church today is the shift in the last 10+ years to a post-Christian context. And people are just not that much into us any more. Alan Hirsch is one of the key leaders helping us to understand this changing context and change our ministry approaches. Christian research studies and dissertations on Internet, church and evangelism http://internetevangelismday.com/research.php 2010-08-07T17:51:28-05:00 Wise insightful research is a pre-requisite to action: Nehemiah 2:11-18. Without concrete information, we are often just guessing and ‘flying without radar’. A growing number of people have done research into the relationship between the Internet, the church, and evangelism-related subjects. Not all of us are called to either write, or read, such in-depth material. Yet the concept of research in the Christian world is very important. Without facts and figures, or understanding of trends, we cannot plan strategy or anything else. Christian research studies and dissertations on Internet, church and evangelism http://internetevangelismday.com/research.php?id=books 2010-08-07T17:04:50-05:00 Wise insightful research is a pre-requisite to action: Nehemiah 2:11-18. Without concrete information, we are often just guessing and ‘flying without radar’. A growing number of people have done research into the relationship between the Internet, the church, and evangelism-related subjects. Not all of us are called to either write, or read, such in-depth material. Yet the concept of research in the Christian world is very important. Without facts and figures, or understanding of trends, we cannot plan strategy or anything else. Book review: Christianish: What If We're Not Really Following Jesus at All? by Mark Steele http://internetevangelismday.com/bookreviews/christianish.php 2010-08-07T17:02:26-05:00 Somewhere between cold faith and hot pursuit lies lukewarm spirituality. And in the median between the wide path and the narrow road we find the middle ground of the spiritual walk. It’s something not quite Christian. More like... Christianish. Impact Eternity: self-study and group-study mission challenge course http://internetevangelismday.com/bookreviews/impact-eternity.php 2010-08-07T17:01:04-05:00 A self-study and group-study course from a partnership of major mission groups. See the challenge of the needs of the world, and your place in it. Other groups offer similar material: there is a distance learning missions course Kingdom Expansion 101, and for face-to-face courses on world mission, see the Kairos and Perspectives courses. Check our training page for other online courses on evangelism, ministry and communication.