Gospel.com Topics Feed - Myth 2014-05-20T15:13:47-05:00 GCI info@gospel.com /feeds/topics/myth/ Free video shorts that correct myths about New Testament http://internetevangelismday.com/blog/archives/12368 2014-05-20T15:13:47-05:00 "But everyone knows that the New Testament was [insert common myth here]." There are so many misapprehensions floating around the Web and modern culture, we need to have good accessible and authoritative refutations available. Help is at hand. God: New Evidence has launched a new series of video shorts called Jesus Myths. Also curated on their YouTube channel, it is the work of moments to embed into a blog or website, post to Facebook, Twitter or Pinterest, or download to project in a meeting. You can also discuss the videos on the God: New Evidence Facebook page. Jesus Myths video series released by Focus apologetics ministry http://internetevangelismday.com/blog/archives/11121 2013-06-18T10:46:46-05:00 The latest series of video shorts from UK apologetics ministry Focus is now available online and on DVD. Titled Jesus Myths, "it unpacks the modern world’s myths about Jesus, and gets at the facts behind the fictions," says Focus founder Dave Couchman.